Saturday 30 September 2017

Virgo - The Sixth Sign of The Zodiac

Virgo is the administrator of the Zodiac. They possess skills in practical organisation with a view to the details. Their critical thinking and evaluation skills make them an asset to any organisation, committee or group. Analysis is their realm - Virgo can find the clues in the detail and their ability to correlate data has the admiration of most people around them.

Extremely adept when dealing with the finer intricacies of anything, a very tidy mind which can file information with an internal clerk to retrieve files. Virgo requires order; this is not necessarily in their environment but it is true of the structures that support their lifestyle and their thinking process. Such as routine, a place for everything, the timing required to be successful, the order of events, the support required to act, helping others and making sure everything is covered.

The concept of the apprenticeship is very close to Virgo as it speaks of being prepared down to the last detail. To do the work required in the correct stages so as to affect the practicalities of any action or purpose. Virgo understands this intimately and even drives them self to grief worrying about it all. Time and timing are the clues to Virgo overcoming the nagging internal voice of perfection. Every little action leads to the completion of the whole task. Virgo’s lessons lay in seeing the whole rather being stuck in all the little nitty gritty details.  This ultimately stalls the completion of the apprenticeship and hinders the steps to practitioner. When the time comes that Virgo stops being so hard on themselves and others they will successfully progress from one whole to another with precision, perfection and a lot less stress.

When it comes to sorting out a tangled mess - in the kid’s room, the garage, the piles of paperwork; it's the energy of Virgo that we all need to get those fiddly, mundane jobs tackled. Virgo is content in the service of others. To serve others is to serve themselves. They can derive a great deal of satisfaction helping others. As they help others they help themselves.  They show their love for others by what they do for them – cooking a meal after a long day, sorting out a schedule, planning for contingencies, cleaning up after you or folding your washing.

Virgo will demonstrate their affection and will want to see that what you say is true by what you do. If you say that you are going to do it and you don’t! Expect Virgo to either nag you or never ring up again. They are not content with lofty statements with no practical demonstration of what is being said. If they can’t see it, it doesn’t exist as credible and their trust will be eroded. They can tear an argument to pieces with the details, an exacting memory, and a very good command of language. If you take them on, I hope you are articulate and have a good memory! Every detail will be dragged up!

Virgo is concerned with healthy eating and nutrition and understands on a deep level that as the earth nourishes the plants, the plants nourish the body. Virgo invented health food, healthy eating and meal planning. The routines associated to the meals we eat are also governed by our sign of service.

Virgo is the Sixth Sign of the Zodiac. As an Earth sign Virgo is practical and wants to see it and touch it. The second mutable sign of the Zodiac Virgo goes with the flow. Virgo is the second sign ruled by Mercury. Virgo is the polar opposite of Pisces. Examine the placement of Mercury and any Aspects to it to glean more information about the Virgo energy in the chart. 

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