About Kim Akinta Astrologer

Kim is Australian and lives in Brisbane, Queensland with her two teens, the dog, the cat and the Cockatiel called Bird.

Kim Akinta has been a qualified Practitioner Astrologer since 1990.  Kim has practised Astrology in Adelaide, New South Wales, Queensland and since 2009 on Facebook and in Facebook Astrology Groups. 

Kim is an Astrologer and a Graphic Designer who combines her skills to design clear, simple and easy to understand Astrological Info Graphics. All of Kim's Astro Info Graphics can be viewed on: Kim Akinta's Public Facebook Page.

Kim's Facebook Astrology Group, Astrology Explorers with 6k plus members is a thriving and active Astrological community from beginners and students to the more advanced and Professional Astrologer; where learning and supporting Astrological Education is the flagship of this group. 

Kim Akinta adheres to the Ethical and Professional standards of The Federation of Australian Astrologers Inc.


1987: Enrolled to study Astrology at Croydon Park SA TAFE; taught by Dr Bernadette Brady

1989: Pass Certificate Examination Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia

1990: Pass Practitioners Certificate Examination Federation of Australian Astrologers South            Australia

1991: Committee member FAA SA, Newsletter Editor SA FAA Branch, Assistant Journal                Editor National FAA.

1992: New Enterprise Incentive Scheme Government funding to run Astrology Practice.

1993: Certificate in Applied and Visual Art; North Adelaide School of Art, Stanley St North            

1993 – 2015: Youth Worker, Disability Support Worker, Aged Care Worker, Parenthood.

2007: Certificate IV in Design: Brisbane North Institute of TAFE & Southbank TAFE

2018: Appointed to AFAN Steering Committee. 
All the Info Graphics and content on this page has been Designed and Written by Kim Akinta. All are the exclusive copy right of Kim Akinta and require the permission of Kim Akinta in writing to reproduce in any media in any jurisdiction. About Kim

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The Quincunx and The Semi Sextile

Quincunx and Semi Sextile The Semi Sextile and The Quincunx are considered Minor Aspects yet I put them into a class of their own. ...