Friday 29 September 2017

Cancer -The Fourth Sign of The Zodiac.

Cancer is the nurturer and care giver of the Zodiac. Always able to create that loving, caring environment with a focus on the family &/or community.

These people are some of the most creative amongst us, in the arts, music or literature. Often taking up craft hobbies to brighten up the home, or helping to nurture the creative spirit of children. Cancer is the Devine Mother, for without Mother there is no creation of the human race.

Cancer can often feel their calling after becoming parents. These people will always nurture and care for something before during or after becoming parents - their garden, their pets, even their car, boat or motorbike. Cancer has an affinity with children. Before becoming parents, after the kids have grown and left home, as Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, or employed in children’s services. Cancerians love kid’s and kid’s love Cancerians.

Cancer often finds satisfaction as breeders of domestic &/or farm animals - always spawning and creating life. They love to restore new life to a machine, motor or any other object that can be restored. Their creativity can also be channeled into inventions of all descriptions. Cancer is the spark of creation that brings things to life – human or otherwise.

Cancer is the cohesive community link between humans and family. Their energy is warm and caring towards others. They respect the traditions of family and support the union of souls within the family. They seek protection and nurturing within the family unit. Their home is a safe haven from the world where they retreat to safety and privacy. Cancer needs to feel secure so they have a tendency to hoard items that may be needed in the future. Always planning for a rainy day Cancer collects resources – objects, food, money or people.

Cancer will always ask you how you are doing, how you are feeling or what’s going on for you, they take an interest in others because that’s how you show you care for others. Always ready to help, to put the energy in or taking notice of how everyone is feeling. Cancer wants people to relate with care and will care for others with untiring compassion and attention.

Cancer is Ruled by The Moon and can therefore be moody and changeable – they are influenced by the world around them, they are sensitive to the emotions of others and they go through many cycles of feeling – over the day, the week, the month. They are affected by their home/family environment and they will react and behave in line with what is going on there. It is better for Cancer to be in positive relations with their family as they will reflect the positive energy. If the energy is disturbed and negative they will reflect this and things will not go as well for them. Like the Crab they will go and hide under a rock somewhere to avoid the negative energy. They will dispense with relations in order to avoid it completely! Exit! Stage left! And they are gone! They are concerned about the people around them and their moods are consistent with what is going on for those who they love and care about. Cancer does not see life as being about them, life is about relating to others with care, empathy and concern. This is also why they prefer to talk about you instead of themselves. As with all the Water Signs – if the emotions are not validated by those around them, as water erodes rock, the lack of validation/acknowledgment of their feelings erodes the relationship.

Cancer is the Fourth Sign of the Zodiac. As a Water sign Cancer is intuitive, sensitive and emotional. The second Cardinal sign of the Zodiac Cancer actively seeks and initiates. Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Cancer is the polar opposite of Capricorn. Examine the placement of Moon and any Aspects to it to glean more information about the Cancer energy in the chart. 

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