Friday 29 September 2017

Gemini - The Third Sign of The Zodiac

Gemini is the communicator of the Zodiac. Adaptable and versatile – Gemini demonstrates the gift of conversation; they can always find something to say. 

Gemini is busy, active and full of movement – their hands, their mouths, and their feet.  This sign does not sit still for long and they like to interact. They love news, gossip and trivia; they have a huge appetite for information and are generally curious about everything. They are interested in what you think and they love exchanging ideas. Relaxation is daydreaming about an idea or using their hands to create something.

Gemini enjoys playing “the devil’s advocate” by taking the opposing view – not necessarily because they believe the opposing view. They do this to stimulate the discussion and to explore all sides of an argument. By taking this position they gain empirical knowledge. Gemini seeks knowledge from experience and the oral traditions of telling and passing on the story. It’s all about the narrative with Gemini.

Gemini is adept in sales positions with the ability to find something in common with just about anyone. These are the people who can sell ice to Eskimos. They can create the conversation with various pieces of interesting information; they can find common ground with just about anyone. They also flourish in journalism, radio, media positions and content creation. Talk back radio, magazines, periodicals, newspapers, catalogues and Social Media are Gemini energy. They communicate temporary and contemporary information. Gemini is not the formal academic; Gemini is colloquial, its common sense energy, its skills and abilities that relate to the everyday life, it’s conversational, it’s immediate, it’s now, and it’s modern, it’s empirical. Gemini seeks the common thread in all things and wants to share their insight with others.  

Gemini likes to know a little bit about everything; trivia is their game and quiz shows were made for them. These people are generally quite clever, thinking on their feet, negotiating on the run with several people or obstacles simultaneously.

Always on the go, always busy, always doing something; they chat on the phone, they text, they message or they write a quick piece for the newsletter or they make witty posts on Facebook. Agile on their feet and in their mind – the quick remark, the repartee of comedy or blatant sarcasm is their realm. If you want to put the word out there – employ a Gemini.

Gemini has the ability to reflect other people's body language without even realizing it! It’s all about effective communication and creating the flow of information exchange. Gemini is youthful energy; they are the young at heart – if it’s at the forefront of Youth Culture regardless of their age they are there, they are up on it, they are connected, and they are informed. They like to be the first to know – the trending topic, the newest version, the most up to date device or they just like being first in line for anything!

Gemini’s love of phones and all communication methods is a key factor to understanding them. Gemini without a phone, email or Social Media account is a sad situation indeed! They also love their car – if Gemini is not able to drive (a shocking thought to Gemini!) they will be expert on public transport or they will spend a lot of money on cabs. They certainly do not sit at home waiting for a call or a visitor – they head out into the world for some interaction with others. Although in this modern world it is now possible to connect and exchange ideas with others anywhere, anytime since the advent of computing and Social Media. Indeed No WIFI! Is an abomination to this Air Sign.

Gemini is the third Sign of the Zodiac. As an Air sign Gemini is an intellectual and thinking type of person. The first mutable sign of the Zodiac Gemini goes the flow.
Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury. Gemini is the polar opposite of Sagittarius. Examine the placement of Mercury and any Aspects to it to glean more information about the Gemini energy in the chart. 


  1. No wonder why I'm knackered both mentally and physically. 😉

  2. Spot on Kim well done, no wonder I wear people out!


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