Thursday 28 September 2017

Taurus - The Second Sign of The Zodiac

Taurus is the persistent hard worker of the Zodiac, the one who is planning the practicalities, always having an eye on the beauty or design.

Taurus is the tidiest sign of the Zodiac – quality and style are not demonstrated in a cluttered mess! This sign will always have the best looking partners – they have the ability to collect beauty around them in all realms of life. They prefer the best of everything and often purchase the most expensive items because they want it to last.

Generally their manners are impeccable, if not a little formal at times. Taurus is not impressed with situations of conflict and will generally avoid difficult characters. They are not impressed by vulgarities or coarse language. Taurus is refined and traditional. They value hard work, stability and respectability.

Taurus can be slower than other signs but their thoroughness is outstanding. Solid dependable friends, they resist change. Prosperity & happiness are found in routine and complacency. They are often the last to leave and are commended by all for their stamina and tireless effort. Taurus is the turtle who won the race!

They role model the benefits of taking a slower more considered approach with an emphasis on being prepared with skills and resources. An ability to cover everything, so when someone says "we don't have such and such" Taurus pipes up with "yes we do here it is". Taurus understands that solid foundations take time to build and consistency to maintain. They have faith in the tried and true methods that have been proved over time that they work. They are skeptical about the feasibility of new methods, unless they were part of the development process. Taurus has a wait and see approach.

Taurus energy is sensual and tactile. They need to touch things, feel the texture, smell the aroma or have a taste. Taurus seeks experiences that are physical and tangible. They need to see that it exists – behavior or object. They need to see concrete evidence not lofty stories or maybes. If you fail to present the evidence Taurus will eventually walk away. It may take a while but once they make the change they will not change back.

Taurus is resilient, productive, cautious and thorough. They are loyal consistent friends; often the solid rock in the group; they are reliable, dependable and grounded.

Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac an Earth sign imbued with practicality and the need for tangible circumstances. The first Fixed sign of the Zodiac slowly but surely works toward their aims. Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus. Taurus is the polar opposite of Scorpio. Examine the placement of Venus and any Aspects to it to glean more information about the Taurus energy in the chart. 

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