Sunday 1 October 2017

Libra - The Seventh Sign of The Zodiac

Libra seeks to relate to others, in marriage, in friendship, on committees, in their families and everywhere else when meeting with people. Libra invented the meet up, the hook up, social clubs and the debutantes ball. They have the ability to connect with others and form relationships. These are the people who can form a friendship at the bus stop and be meeting up for coffee the next week.

Libra energy avoids conflicts, the eternal diplomat they have a strong preference to relate with manners, grace, finesse and style. Relating is their biggest talent, an innate understanding of human relationships, they can find something nice to say about most people. The beautiful and often good looking people of the world - well dressed, well presented, always stylish. An eye for design and a natural sense of colour - these are the people that can turn heads as they walk past.

Being neat and well-presented is important to this sign. They can coordinate clothing and accessories perfectly. They can dress a room like a magazine feature. Their creative ability is employed in most of what they do over a day – if it’s not the most fashionable stylish outfit; it’s not worth wearing, if the people aren’t nice it isn’t worth turning up. Looking good is more than the clothing to Libra, looking good is also the manner of their carriage and interaction with others. They have a huge investment in everything being nice. Them, anyone they meet, any room they are in; it must be pleasant and pleasurable. Aesthetics are entwined in every part of their being. They like well presented, tidy, stylish, designer environments. They prefer people who are equally well mannered, well presented and well-spoken without vulgarities. Libra like Taurus, the two Venusian Signs (ruled by the planet Venus) will avoid negative people and situations, they will leave if it starts occurring around them and they will not invite you back if you cause any tension or negativity at their gathering.

Libra is big on balance and harmony – if Libra starts a conflict you can be sure they have thought it through. Libra energy is; the mediator, the negotiator, the intermediate, the go between – the facilitator of bridges between people or groups. Maintaining the harmony and balance is a key theme of Libra energy. The symbol for Libra is the scales for this very reason; it is also the scales of Justice. Libra has a fairness of mind; employing justice and cooperation in their dealings with people. Their refined nature often puts them in roles that represent others. They assess social norms quickly and generally know how to behave in order to make the right impression. Problems can occur when they are too eager to please others, or when they fail to speak up for fear of a disagreement yet it is their talent to solve disagreements with fairness in the easiest way possible. At times they may present a better view than is warranted so as to appear in the best possible manner.

Libra wants the perfect lover, spouse and lifelong relationship, their partner is everything to them. The marriage partner is their soul mate and the most important person in their life. They have no greater devotion; they will protect their spousal relationship over anything else. They will follow the love of their life anywhere, any place, anytime, nothing is more important to them. The honour and commitment of the marriage vows is more than serious to Libra; it’s their major life goal being achieved.  They define themselves through their partner. An eternal match maker Libra has little ability to understand why anyone is single. Any Libra who is single has likely been burnt badly by an ex! But they will bounce back into another relationship sooner than others would and in the mean time they will socialise in their large network of friends.

Libra has a reputation of being indecisive and some can be. It is in the process of weighing up the options of a situation that attracts this criticism. As an Air Sign Libra must think about things and this means their thinking is centred in the best possible outcome. By looking at all the options and assessing potential outcomes they are able to come to quite informed decisions, they just need time to think it all through. You can trust that they think they are making the best possible decisions for a happy and fair result with the best interests of everybody having been considered.

Libra is the Seventh Sign of the Zodiac. As an Air sign Libra is an intellectual and thinking type of person. The third cardinal sign of the Zodiac Libra actively seeks and initiates. Libra is the second sign ruled by Venus. Libra is the polar opposite of Aries. Examine the placement of Venus and any Aspects to it to glean more information about the Libra energy in the chart.

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