Monday 16 October 2017

The Moon on The IC & The Second Quadrant of The Natal Chart

The Moon on The IC

The IC is The Nadir of The Chart; it is The Midnight position in The Natal Chart. It is not seen, it is hidden from the view of others, unless those others are in your Family or very close circle. It is where we are all private; The IC represents our homes and our families. It is the bloodline, gene pool and heritage of the family line. The Sign on The IC will describe one layer in The Family Story, when a planet is on The IC; the Family Story picks up a bit, as the Planet becomes another player in the layers of the Family Story. The Moon is emotions and feelings; it is also the Mother and the Women of the Family in this position. It is a strong indication that the person hails from the matriarchal line of the family. It is a strong position of a caring nurturing creative person who loves being at home. They are not looking for any recognition from the outside world only the acknowledgement from their family and loved ones. As The IC is opposite The MC as it is an axis – the Moon is denoted as being Moon opposite MC. The opposition is the energy of creative/ created conflict that causes action to be taken that is not entirely comfortable. The MC is the most public position of The Natal Chart; it is often associated with career. When The Moon opposes the MC – the person is known for being a caring person, a sensitive and compassionate person – the conflict arises because they do not want to be publicly fussed over, they prefer to be private. Some days they really do not want to leave the house – working from home or at home will often suit them better; even working in other people’s homes would be preferential to the same old office every day. The Moon is changeable and wants variety.

Note: The Moon can be conjunct the IC from The Third House or it can be conjunct from The Fourth House. It is conjunct the IC and opposite the MC. The difference is for the Third House as it focuses the energy through siblings, close and familiar relatives, communication and mobility. The Moon in The Fourth will be the stronger statement as relating to the expression of the Moon through the family and home.

The Moon in The Fourth House

The Sign of the IC is the cusp of The Fourth House. Therefore this House is an Angular House; “to be”. The Moon is where we find comfort for ourselves in the chart and tend to our emotional needs. Here The Moon is most comfortable nestled in the bosom of mother and family in the home. There is a deep emotional attachment to the family home and to the family’s homeland and cultural base. There will be a preference for living with women or in a communal to highly interactive community. There is a strong need to create the sense of family, that being biological or otherwise. This is also a highly intuitive position for the Moon – the ability to sense what is going on without language is strong. Don’t be surprised when this position of the Moon is one step ahead of you. There is a love of family functions, events and gatherings or the coming together of a close knit community. They will also enjoy private club activities as they love to feel that they are part of something, again part of a family. The Sign will shed light on the details of the type of interests that may grab them. A home that does not feel right is not the home of a MOON in the Fourth House, they must, must, feel secure, safe and protected at home. It is their shell; never underestimate just how private these people are! They will deflect any attempts of poking a nose in where it wasn’t invited, they will not take kindly to unannounced or uninvited visitors, they will covert and collect those who fit their emotional disposition and anyone else is not welcome. They will suffer the social norms required of them but their true feelings will be safely tucked away in the background where no one can see them.

The Moon in The Fifth House

The Fifth House is a Succedent House; “to use”. The Fifth House is concerned with the self, with fun and recreation, games and speculation, it is children and the inner child and it’s the spark of love between lovers. When the Moon is in the Fifth they enjoy socialising and mixing with others, they have an emotional attachment to children and strong feelings about the lives of children. They will gain enormous satisfaction and pride from being a parent. Even as a non-parent they will associate and contribute to the improvement of children’s lives. There is an innate need to protect and nurture young lives. The Moons intuitive energy in this House has a keen ability to tune into trends speculatively with success. The Moon in The Fifth is a team player in many respects here the Moon wants to belong to a creative team, a sports team, a social club, a mothers group, the committee at school or on the board of a community organisation aiding children and parents with the focus on the children.  As the Fifth is the House of Lovers, the Moon here seeks to love and to be loved. This is not a position of commitment or long term relationships, it is the sensation and feeling of being in love, it represents the first spark of love between people or for some it is a lust train for life. To assess the commitment and long term relationship pursuits – the entire Natal Chart requires assessment. This description is in pure terms and is not considering any compromising aspects from other planets. Some of the most ardent sports fans are found with Fifth House planets – the Moon adds an emotional flavour and the feeling of belonging to a family of fans and spectators. There is a great deal of creativity associated to The Moon in the Fifth as The Moon is The Divine Mother and the Creator of life and the Fifth House is the spark of creative light from the Sun – the natural ruler of the fifth. Creative pursuits provide an outlet for emotional expression and the act of creation provides good feelings and contentment – a return to centre. Creativity improves self-confidence and self-expression.

Note: The Moon is our habits. In the Fifth beware of the habits you create for yourself as they will be hard to break. The other warning re the Moon in the fifth is re Gambling and the need of The Moon to belong. If the Moon is debilitated by a compromising of the energy from an outer planet – that loneliness can translate to sitting in a hotel mindlessly playing poker machines, slot machines or the blackjack table at the local Casino. Equally a well aspected Moon in the fifth can have some talent in this area; as the local Bingo Champion, Bridge Player or Card Reader.

The Moon in The Sixth House

The Sixth House is a Cadent House; “to understand”. The Sixth House is about your health and wellbeing, it’s your daily routine and often where we all earn a living. The Moon in The Sixth House means that your health and wellbeing are entwined and attached to your feelings, emotional world and habits. If you don’t feel right you are likely going to be unwell physically somehow. The Sixth House is where we find health food and eating healthy nutritional food is important for all sixth house planets but critical for the Moon in The Sixth. Binging on junk food for this placement means they are not feeling good and something is affecting their emotional balance. This is followed by feeling physically sick because bad food makes them feel bad. The Moon here will fall over one lesson after another re their food sensitivities until they understand what is going on, they are forced to analyse it and make the changes to the diet that their body requires. The sixth is also about service to others; as it is by serving others that the self is served with this placement. The Moon cares for others and is a nurturer on a daily level; they are often employed in areas where they are providing a service to others. Routines and stable daily activities and schedules provide a sense of emotional comfort to this Moon placement. The Moon is changeable and adaptive and you can be sure that this placement has a backup plan that has worked before. As the Moon is Mothers and Women the sixth house Moon will have daily interactions and contact with them, the Moon here will seek relationships that have regular contact and updates as to what’s going on for them. There is an ability to micro manage anything and a preference for working behind the scenes in private with some contact when required but will shun the spot light position. The Sixth is also about small animals and pets – the Moon here has an emotional connection to these animals. They will be pet owners, could work with pets or in animal rescue, the unconditional love of a pet fulfils so many emotional needs of a sixth house Moon they will benefit enormously from the love of a pet. 


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The Quincunx and The Semi Sextile

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