Thursday 7 June 2018

The T Square Grand Aspect Pattern

The Grand Aspect Pattern – The T-Square

The T Square is made up of three or more planets that are in aspect to each other. Two planets form the opposition, whilst a third planet forms two squares – one each to either side of the opposition. It looks like a red triangle in the centre of the chart. 

The Planet which forms the two squares is called the Apex of The T Square and is a focal point or lens for the problem solving energy contained in this Aspect Pattern.  The type of problem solving it is capable of will be by way of the planet, the house and the sign it is in. The Apex is two planetary pairs that are both fighting for attention in the mix of delineating and understanding how it works.

In the analysis of a T Square there are three sets of planetary pairs interacting with one and other, all chained together by mathematics; entwined in a constant dance and conversation with each other. It’s a work team that can’t quit from working with each other so they have to sort it out between them and come up with a way to make it work!

Some planetary pairs are quite naturally going to get along no matter how much stress and conflict are put upon them, then there are other pairs who may never like each other or come to terms with being forced to co-operate – we have all worked with someone like that; so it can be done and it is achievable.

When you are looking at the T Square this is one of the first things to ask - Do these pairs like each other and shares some affinity. Are they enemies being forced to work with one and other? Once you answer this question you will be starting to get a handle on how difficult to easier the T Square you’re looking at is.

Personal planets that are part of a Grand Aspect Pattern especially the luminaries will make the issues of the Grand Aspect Pattern a strong to dominant part of the person’s character. If the T Square is made up of outer planets only then it is less dominant as a personal issue and more the issues of the generation they were born in. Generational patterns indicate the hot button generational issues but would need other planetary combinations in the chart for a person from that generation to be one of the movers and shakers of that generation.

The opposition causes conflict that forces a person to see the other side of situations, gives the ability to walk in another’s shoes and provides an inbuilt ability to handle and deal with conflict. The opposition for this reason is considered the backbone of the chart. The opposition will always connect the public and others side of the chart with the private and self-side of the chart. The opposition will more times than not highlight the polarity between signs and it will more often than not highlight a house axis where the conflict of the opposition plays out and calls upon the person to find balance and compromise in. In essence the opposition pits the personal self needs against the needs of others making the person choose between or make choices that include others in relation to their own position. The opposition is one of the three planetary pairs in the T Square.

The square causes stress that motivates action. Both the opposition and the square are dynamic aspects which cause uncomfortable feelings which make you get off the couch and do something about it to resolve the problem. When there is a T Square combining the opposition and the two squares into a Grand Aspect Pattern this drive to get things done, the drive to resolve problems and the drive and momentum to keep doing it day after day after day is like a fuel tank that doesn’t run out. The two squares are the other two planetary pairs in the T Square.

The T Square also brings three houses together that as we know are areas of life, meaning that those three areas of life must be merged, balanced and lived in. They will be the areas of life where the dynamic drive will be played out and the areas where success lies.

Planets form Grand Aspect Patterns. Mathematically derived points which are an Axis do not form part of a Grand Aspect Pattern. The Asc/Desc and The Nth & Sth Nodes are both an Axis with two sides and cannot be part of a Grand Aspect Pattern. The same for the Vertex and Anti-Vertex it is an Axis. The jury may still be out as to whether Asteroids can be included but there is certainly a better case for Asteroids than for an Axis.

When you put a chart into a 90 degree dial in Cosmobiology, instead of the 360 degrees  that we usually look at, a T-Square lines up like a conjunction because the 90 degree dial groups the planets and points by mode that are conjunct, square or in opposition. The apex of the T-Square is generally on the direct midpoint of the opposition, dependent upon the degrees and minutes the planets are in and dependent upon the orb being used. Checking the math of the T Square and which planet is on the midpoint and how tight it is will give quite a lot of information as to the strength of the T Square in the chart.

The T Square will emphasize a Mode more often than not. A Cardinal T Square will actively seek and constantly be active – it has the most chance of directing the energy into a successful life. The Fixed T Square will slowly but surely do one thing after another in the persevering pursuit of success. The Mutable T Square goes with the flow of where the energy takes them, just moving from one thing to another in the order it arises in and somehow flukes success.

People who have T Squares are often successful because those nagging voices in their heads just don’t let up on them. They drive them to do something, find something, create something, direct somebody or take on mammoth projects that would daunt us poor souls who didn’t get one! These people are gifts to us as someone needs to pick those balls up and run with them so we can follow them and have slice of the life they have made possible. Which does make me wonder as I type this whether that Pied Piper had a T Square or not? (.. given the tragic fate of those cute little mice Neptune may have been involved).

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