Tuesday 19 September 2017

Welcome to my New Astrology Blog

Welcome to my New Astrology Blog, Kim Akinta Astrologer.

I'm new at this blogging caper but I'm sure that like most things I will get the hang of it as I settle into writing rather than talking. I'm not new to Astrology and that's what counts. I trained in Adelaide South Australia with Dr Bernadette Brady, I sat the exams in 1989 & 1990 and became a Federation of Australian Astrologers Practitioner. I have been in and out of practice ever since. I have been returning to practice over the past couple of years or so, after motherhood as my kids are getting into their teens now. 

I have been waiting for this date and time to commence this blog. As you will see - the conception chart has captured the New Moon in Virgo on the MC. I wanted the Virgo Sun to be in the same position as Astrologer Liz Greene's Natal Chart with the Sun on the MC in Virgo, which it is, but, I could not get the Sun Moon conjunction and have the Sun at the same degree as Liz. We all have our Astrology Heroes and Liz Greene is certainly one of mine. My Natal Moon is in Virgo and I like that correspondence with the blog conception. 

So I begin my blog under the auspices of double Virgo on the MC and hard working, practical Capricorn Rising - triple earth folks! The ninth house is nicely packed with my team of literary assistants. My quest being to connect with others and tap into some resources using my own resources fits nicely with the Nodal Axis falling across the 8th / 2nd Axis.  Given that I am a Stellium person I don't mind the Pluto being in the first house of the conception chart and I do have Scorpio Rising natally. Chiron is on the IC, so hit the follow button, make a cuppa and take a seat this will be interesting. 

Do you follow my pages on Facebook? Have you seen my Astro Info Graphics and humorous memes? This blog is going to go through the various 600 or more files, and one by one, I will tell their story, talk about my reasoning behind them and maybe even my design process. If I follow my daughter's advice I might even give a sneak peek into my little note book where most of the ideas for my graphics start. Yep! That's with a pen on paper! I will be looking for a new little notebook soon as my current companion is almost full. The blog will also feature new work as get used to the new seat. 

Thanks for being here, I am grateful for all the support I have had on Facebook and this seems to be the next step up! So hit the stairs with me and we will go up, one by one, in a third house style - the colloquial, the every day, the obvious stuff in front of our faces that we say - Why didn't I think of that? How didn't I see that? It's so obvious! A common sense approach to Astrology, a practical use of Astrology, after all we all got interested in the first place to find a happier us! Didn't we? You might even chuckle a bit, if I'm lucky. 


  1. Congratulations Kim, it's marvelous to have your depth of knowledge made available to the world. I remember those years back in the late nineties when we both studied with Bernadette and Darilyn. I used to come to you for tutoring and I still have my little book with all my notes. I've been moving back into astrology as well, it's such a foundation for life. Wishing you all the best with this blog. I'm sure it will be very well known and perhaps even famous!

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