Frequently Asked Questions

What if I do not know my birth time?

You can usually obtain your birth time from the hospital you were born in.

Where there is no record of the birth time an Astrologer can rectify the birth time if the person is above the age of 30.

Can I get a free reading?

Kim Akinta delivers free content and Astrological Info Graphics. Consultations can only be engaged by fee. 

Free Charts can be calculated at:

Can Astrology predict the future?

Predictive Astrology assesses planetary movement in relation to a person’s birth chart. This provides you with a guide for the year ahead that describes which parts of your life will be examined by you in the process of change.

Some years of life are uneventful and carry along with the joys of routine until its New Year again. Other years of life are less than pleasant as one thing after another seems to go the wrong way. Predictive Astrology can sort the wood from the trees; with timing, evaluation and choice.

Predictive Astrology is not about predicting specific events, on specific days. It cannot tell you that you will trip over the waste paper basket in your office, but it can tell that you will be accident prone on that day (if your birth time is accurate).

Are Astrologers psychic?

Certainly there are people who practice Astrology who do have psychic ability. Astrologers use data, mathematics and evaluation skills. Astrologers are trained and examined in the techniques employed to practice Astrology.

It is not a pre-requisite to be psychic but most Astrologers would agree that intuition and deductive reasoning go hand in hand during consultation.

How do Astrologers become qualified?

There are dedicated teachers all over the world providing education packages that offer Astrological training.

In Australia Astrologers are examined by The Federation of Australian Astrologers Board of Examiners.

Is Tarot the same as Astrology?

No is the short answer. Tarot readers often do have some knowledge of Astrology. Some Tarot readers may have qualified as an Astrologer.
Tarot is about asking specific questions to seek more understanding or an answer.

Is Astronomy the same as Astrology?

No is the short answer. Astrologers do study some Astronomy during their training. Some Astrologers have Science and/or Astronomy qualifications.

Most Astronomers do not acknowledge the validity of Astrological insight.

Is Numerology the same as Astrology?

No is the short answer. Numerologists often have some Astrological knowledge. Some Numerologists have qualified as Astrologers.

Numerology uses your birth date and your name to delineate what is going on for you.

Can Astrology find my perfect partner?

No; you will still need to do the foot work out there in social land to meet someone.
Astrology can describe the type of person who will compliment your needs; it can also tell you about the times in your life when you are receptive to love and it can also warn about periods when relationships are coming up for re-evaluation.

Astrological consultation looks at you and your needs, not someone else’s. Relationship Astrology examines the Natal Charts of both people in the relationship. The two charts are combined to calculate a Composite Chart that describes the relationship. Synastry is also used to analyst the effects that another person has on you. Relationship Astrology is a specialist area of Astrology.

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