Wednesday 27 September 2017

Aries - The First Sign of The Zodiac

Aries is the leader, the boss, the one who has the excitable ability to motivate and inspire others to action.

Aries can be a bit of a "hot head" due to their impatient "want it now" attitude, but as the business owner or boss they are in their element. Even as the humble employee Aries has an independent approach that gets the job done.

Aries is extremely adept at getting things "of the ground" the head hunter, a shaker & mover who is expert at pulling rabbits out of the hat in record time! Starting the project, delegating the tasks and then it’s off to start the next job. 

Aries is brave and determined energy, unafraid of potential risks, rising to the challenge and succeeding against all odds. They love to conquer – a mountain, a rival, an impossible ask, an amazing save - they can't help themselves - if someone says "that's impossible" - Aries is stirred to action with excited fervour.  These behaviours can lead to accidents due to, too must haste and zeal. Aries learns as they get older to assess the risks in line with their abilities. Aries learns best through experience, any other way is boring, they want to be out there doing it on the front line, not sitting around talking about it.

If you want to get something started you need Aries energy - it is their innate talent. If you are looking for a leader employ Aries energy. If you need courage and conviction it is Aries energy. Aries energy gets things done – they are good at directing others, they approach tasks with an energy that is inspiring to others.

Aries energy likes to act independently of others, working alone or as a sole trader. They don’t like delays or excuses. They may give you a second chance - if they’re in a good mood but expect them to keep you under pressure for a while. Aries energy seeks brevity, not long winded explanations – get to the point and make it quick. When directing Aries the same applies – they need clear concise instructions.

Aries is a sign that is full of energy. It takes a lot of energy to start things!

Aries is a Fire sign, the first sign of the Zodiac; enthusiastic, excitable and inspirational. The first Cardinal Sign; actively seeks and initiates. Aries is ruled by the Planet Mars. Aries is the polar opposite of Libra. Examine the placement of Mars and any Aspects to it to glean more information about the Aries energy in the chart. 

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