Saturday 30 September 2017

Leo - The Fifth Sign of The Zodiac.

Leo is the Star of the Zodiac. Like The Sun is at the centre of the Solar System Leo is the centre of their world. They have an infectious exuberance that people are drawn to. They have the qualities of leadership; they set trends and influence others. At their best they shine like the warm rays of the Sun upon the hearts of everyone they meet.

Leo is noticed by others just for the way they carry themselves in day to day life.  Leo can either be shy and aloof or out there and dominant – the shy little kitten or the mighty roaring lion. They either love the spotlight or they shy away from it. It all comes down to confidence and encouragement. Leo depends upon encouragement and support from their partner, family, friends and associates. When Leo smiles they can light up the whole room but if Leo has been scorned they can equally dull down the tone of the room to overcast and cloudy. Never underestimate how long a memory can be held by Leo – of a favour owed or the scorned parting of the ways. They will call on the favour in the future, they will return the favour when the time comes and they will not forget what did to harm them in the past.

Leo has a constant view of the self and the individual. They are very concerned about their needs being met with due notice by everyone around them. Their confidence is attached to their need for recognition. They don't have a problem speaking up for others as they are always concerned about the self – themselves or others. If Leo adorns you with their attention or gifts you better say Thank You! Ignoring the efforts of Leo is a sure way to get thrown off their guest list to any future function. Leo wants to be appreciated which why they go to all that effort in the first place. Sunny Days are the gifts given by the solar ruled Leonine.

Leo is the original host, The Master of Ceremonies, the Karaoke Star at the local pub, the Team Captain or the Chairman of the Board. Leo doesn’t want to be on the committee, they want to be in charge of the committee. They love to pull a crowd together – whether they are organising a picnic, a family BBQ or a community meeting it’s all about being involved, noticed, acknowledged and praised for their tireless efforts to organise their own audience. Leo loves anything that glitters and shines; the show business world, Celebrity, sparkling jewels or sequins. If it stands out - Leo is there and interested. Satisfaction can be achieved by collecting sparkling objects, reading about the lives of famous people or just being up on the latest Hollywood flick. Those who adorn themselves with more rings than fingers, more necklaces and bracelets and flashy accessorising than anyone else is stand out Leonine.

When in love Leo will go to the ends of the earth for their soul mate. Their pride is in their love and in their heart. In days gone by the King defended and ruled the court, so does Leo. They protect and defend their homes and families just like the walls of a castle do. They like the best of everything and prefer luxury every time they can get it. Opulence is not beyond them – if they don’t have it they will dream and aspire to it, they will work themselves to the bone to achieve it, acquire it or to experience it. If it involves the love of their life they are more driven to make it happen. This is why they can make the world their oyster. Leo must also learn to ask others how they feel, to allow others to speak, to listen and to speak, to engage with others and not dominant the conversation with their own concerns. The oyster can be illusive until they work out that it’s by acknowledging others that they themselves will receive acknowledgement because relating is a two way street.

Leo is the Fifth Sign of the Zodiac. As a Fire sign Leo is enthusiastic, excitable and active. The second fixed sign of the Zodiac Leo; slowly but surely works toward their aims. Leo is ruled by the Sun. Leo is the polar opposite of Aquarius. Examine the placement of Sun and any Aspects to it to glean more information about the Leo energy in the chart. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my. that is my child. A son. A King who has built a fabulous kingdom. At this point in his life which with Pluto in the 2nd has had a roller coaster ride in the money area he now can buy the fancy car, the great dinners out and spoil the family members with luxurious gifts. It is when PLuto is afflicted that the pain comes.


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