Saturday 30 September 2017

Virgo - The Sixth Sign of The Zodiac

Virgo is the administrator of the Zodiac. They possess skills in practical organisation with a view to the details. Their critical thinking and evaluation skills make them an asset to any organisation, committee or group. Analysis is their realm - Virgo can find the clues in the detail and their ability to correlate data has the admiration of most people around them.

Extremely adept when dealing with the finer intricacies of anything, a very tidy mind which can file information with an internal clerk to retrieve files. Virgo requires order; this is not necessarily in their environment but it is true of the structures that support their lifestyle and their thinking process. Such as routine, a place for everything, the timing required to be successful, the order of events, the support required to act, helping others and making sure everything is covered.

The concept of the apprenticeship is very close to Virgo as it speaks of being prepared down to the last detail. To do the work required in the correct stages so as to affect the practicalities of any action or purpose. Virgo understands this intimately and even drives them self to grief worrying about it all. Time and timing are the clues to Virgo overcoming the nagging internal voice of perfection. Every little action leads to the completion of the whole task. Virgo’s lessons lay in seeing the whole rather being stuck in all the little nitty gritty details.  This ultimately stalls the completion of the apprenticeship and hinders the steps to practitioner. When the time comes that Virgo stops being so hard on themselves and others they will successfully progress from one whole to another with precision, perfection and a lot less stress.

When it comes to sorting out a tangled mess - in the kid’s room, the garage, the piles of paperwork; it's the energy of Virgo that we all need to get those fiddly, mundane jobs tackled. Virgo is content in the service of others. To serve others is to serve themselves. They can derive a great deal of satisfaction helping others. As they help others they help themselves.  They show their love for others by what they do for them – cooking a meal after a long day, sorting out a schedule, planning for contingencies, cleaning up after you or folding your washing.

Virgo will demonstrate their affection and will want to see that what you say is true by what you do. If you say that you are going to do it and you don’t! Expect Virgo to either nag you or never ring up again. They are not content with lofty statements with no practical demonstration of what is being said. If they can’t see it, it doesn’t exist as credible and their trust will be eroded. They can tear an argument to pieces with the details, an exacting memory, and a very good command of language. If you take them on, I hope you are articulate and have a good memory! Every detail will be dragged up!

Virgo is concerned with healthy eating and nutrition and understands on a deep level that as the earth nourishes the plants, the plants nourish the body. Virgo invented health food, healthy eating and meal planning. The routines associated to the meals we eat are also governed by our sign of service.

Virgo is the Sixth Sign of the Zodiac. As an Earth sign Virgo is practical and wants to see it and touch it. The second mutable sign of the Zodiac Virgo goes with the flow. Virgo is the second sign ruled by Mercury. Virgo is the polar opposite of Pisces. Examine the placement of Mercury and any Aspects to it to glean more information about the Virgo energy in the chart. 

Leo - The Fifth Sign of The Zodiac.

Leo is the Star of the Zodiac. Like The Sun is at the centre of the Solar System Leo is the centre of their world. They have an infectious exuberance that people are drawn to. They have the qualities of leadership; they set trends and influence others. At their best they shine like the warm rays of the Sun upon the hearts of everyone they meet.

Leo is noticed by others just for the way they carry themselves in day to day life.  Leo can either be shy and aloof or out there and dominant – the shy little kitten or the mighty roaring lion. They either love the spotlight or they shy away from it. It all comes down to confidence and encouragement. Leo depends upon encouragement and support from their partner, family, friends and associates. When Leo smiles they can light up the whole room but if Leo has been scorned they can equally dull down the tone of the room to overcast and cloudy. Never underestimate how long a memory can be held by Leo – of a favour owed or the scorned parting of the ways. They will call on the favour in the future, they will return the favour when the time comes and they will not forget what did to harm them in the past.

Leo has a constant view of the self and the individual. They are very concerned about their needs being met with due notice by everyone around them. Their confidence is attached to their need for recognition. They don't have a problem speaking up for others as they are always concerned about the self – themselves or others. If Leo adorns you with their attention or gifts you better say Thank You! Ignoring the efforts of Leo is a sure way to get thrown off their guest list to any future function. Leo wants to be appreciated which why they go to all that effort in the first place. Sunny Days are the gifts given by the solar ruled Leonine.

Leo is the original host, The Master of Ceremonies, the Karaoke Star at the local pub, the Team Captain or the Chairman of the Board. Leo doesn’t want to be on the committee, they want to be in charge of the committee. They love to pull a crowd together – whether they are organising a picnic, a family BBQ or a community meeting it’s all about being involved, noticed, acknowledged and praised for their tireless efforts to organise their own audience. Leo loves anything that glitters and shines; the show business world, Celebrity, sparkling jewels or sequins. If it stands out - Leo is there and interested. Satisfaction can be achieved by collecting sparkling objects, reading about the lives of famous people or just being up on the latest Hollywood flick. Those who adorn themselves with more rings than fingers, more necklaces and bracelets and flashy accessorising than anyone else is stand out Leonine.

When in love Leo will go to the ends of the earth for their soul mate. Their pride is in their love and in their heart. In days gone by the King defended and ruled the court, so does Leo. They protect and defend their homes and families just like the walls of a castle do. They like the best of everything and prefer luxury every time they can get it. Opulence is not beyond them – if they don’t have it they will dream and aspire to it, they will work themselves to the bone to achieve it, acquire it or to experience it. If it involves the love of their life they are more driven to make it happen. This is why they can make the world their oyster. Leo must also learn to ask others how they feel, to allow others to speak, to listen and to speak, to engage with others and not dominant the conversation with their own concerns. The oyster can be illusive until they work out that it’s by acknowledging others that they themselves will receive acknowledgement because relating is a two way street.

Leo is the Fifth Sign of the Zodiac. As a Fire sign Leo is enthusiastic, excitable and active. The second fixed sign of the Zodiac Leo; slowly but surely works toward their aims. Leo is ruled by the Sun. Leo is the polar opposite of Aquarius. Examine the placement of Sun and any Aspects to it to glean more information about the Leo energy in the chart. 

Friday 29 September 2017

Cancer -The Fourth Sign of The Zodiac.

Cancer is the nurturer and care giver of the Zodiac. Always able to create that loving, caring environment with a focus on the family &/or community.

These people are some of the most creative amongst us, in the arts, music or literature. Often taking up craft hobbies to brighten up the home, or helping to nurture the creative spirit of children. Cancer is the Devine Mother, for without Mother there is no creation of the human race.

Cancer can often feel their calling after becoming parents. These people will always nurture and care for something before during or after becoming parents - their garden, their pets, even their car, boat or motorbike. Cancer has an affinity with children. Before becoming parents, after the kids have grown and left home, as Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, or employed in children’s services. Cancerians love kid’s and kid’s love Cancerians.

Cancer often finds satisfaction as breeders of domestic &/or farm animals - always spawning and creating life. They love to restore new life to a machine, motor or any other object that can be restored. Their creativity can also be channeled into inventions of all descriptions. Cancer is the spark of creation that brings things to life – human or otherwise.

Cancer is the cohesive community link between humans and family. Their energy is warm and caring towards others. They respect the traditions of family and support the union of souls within the family. They seek protection and nurturing within the family unit. Their home is a safe haven from the world where they retreat to safety and privacy. Cancer needs to feel secure so they have a tendency to hoard items that may be needed in the future. Always planning for a rainy day Cancer collects resources – objects, food, money or people.

Cancer will always ask you how you are doing, how you are feeling or what’s going on for you, they take an interest in others because that’s how you show you care for others. Always ready to help, to put the energy in or taking notice of how everyone is feeling. Cancer wants people to relate with care and will care for others with untiring compassion and attention.

Cancer is Ruled by The Moon and can therefore be moody and changeable – they are influenced by the world around them, they are sensitive to the emotions of others and they go through many cycles of feeling – over the day, the week, the month. They are affected by their home/family environment and they will react and behave in line with what is going on there. It is better for Cancer to be in positive relations with their family as they will reflect the positive energy. If the energy is disturbed and negative they will reflect this and things will not go as well for them. Like the Crab they will go and hide under a rock somewhere to avoid the negative energy. They will dispense with relations in order to avoid it completely! Exit! Stage left! And they are gone! They are concerned about the people around them and their moods are consistent with what is going on for those who they love and care about. Cancer does not see life as being about them, life is about relating to others with care, empathy and concern. This is also why they prefer to talk about you instead of themselves. As with all the Water Signs – if the emotions are not validated by those around them, as water erodes rock, the lack of validation/acknowledgment of their feelings erodes the relationship.

Cancer is the Fourth Sign of the Zodiac. As a Water sign Cancer is intuitive, sensitive and emotional. The second Cardinal sign of the Zodiac Cancer actively seeks and initiates. Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Cancer is the polar opposite of Capricorn. Examine the placement of Moon and any Aspects to it to glean more information about the Cancer energy in the chart. 

Gemini - The Third Sign of The Zodiac

Gemini is the communicator of the Zodiac. Adaptable and versatile – Gemini demonstrates the gift of conversation; they can always find something to say. 

Gemini is busy, active and full of movement – their hands, their mouths, and their feet.  This sign does not sit still for long and they like to interact. They love news, gossip and trivia; they have a huge appetite for information and are generally curious about everything. They are interested in what you think and they love exchanging ideas. Relaxation is daydreaming about an idea or using their hands to create something.

Gemini enjoys playing “the devil’s advocate” by taking the opposing view – not necessarily because they believe the opposing view. They do this to stimulate the discussion and to explore all sides of an argument. By taking this position they gain empirical knowledge. Gemini seeks knowledge from experience and the oral traditions of telling and passing on the story. It’s all about the narrative with Gemini.

Gemini is adept in sales positions with the ability to find something in common with just about anyone. These are the people who can sell ice to Eskimos. They can create the conversation with various pieces of interesting information; they can find common ground with just about anyone. They also flourish in journalism, radio, media positions and content creation. Talk back radio, magazines, periodicals, newspapers, catalogues and Social Media are Gemini energy. They communicate temporary and contemporary information. Gemini is not the formal academic; Gemini is colloquial, its common sense energy, its skills and abilities that relate to the everyday life, it’s conversational, it’s immediate, it’s now, and it’s modern, it’s empirical. Gemini seeks the common thread in all things and wants to share their insight with others.  

Gemini likes to know a little bit about everything; trivia is their game and quiz shows were made for them. These people are generally quite clever, thinking on their feet, negotiating on the run with several people or obstacles simultaneously.

Always on the go, always busy, always doing something; they chat on the phone, they text, they message or they write a quick piece for the newsletter or they make witty posts on Facebook. Agile on their feet and in their mind – the quick remark, the repartee of comedy or blatant sarcasm is their realm. If you want to put the word out there – employ a Gemini.

Gemini has the ability to reflect other people's body language without even realizing it! It’s all about effective communication and creating the flow of information exchange. Gemini is youthful energy; they are the young at heart – if it’s at the forefront of Youth Culture regardless of their age they are there, they are up on it, they are connected, and they are informed. They like to be the first to know – the trending topic, the newest version, the most up to date device or they just like being first in line for anything!

Gemini’s love of phones and all communication methods is a key factor to understanding them. Gemini without a phone, email or Social Media account is a sad situation indeed! They also love their car – if Gemini is not able to drive (a shocking thought to Gemini!) they will be expert on public transport or they will spend a lot of money on cabs. They certainly do not sit at home waiting for a call or a visitor – they head out into the world for some interaction with others. Although in this modern world it is now possible to connect and exchange ideas with others anywhere, anytime since the advent of computing and Social Media. Indeed No WIFI! Is an abomination to this Air Sign.

Gemini is the third Sign of the Zodiac. As an Air sign Gemini is an intellectual and thinking type of person. The first mutable sign of the Zodiac Gemini goes the flow.
Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury. Gemini is the polar opposite of Sagittarius. Examine the placement of Mercury and any Aspects to it to glean more information about the Gemini energy in the chart. 

Thursday 28 September 2017

Taurus - The Second Sign of The Zodiac

Taurus is the persistent hard worker of the Zodiac, the one who is planning the practicalities, always having an eye on the beauty or design.

Taurus is the tidiest sign of the Zodiac – quality and style are not demonstrated in a cluttered mess! This sign will always have the best looking partners – they have the ability to collect beauty around them in all realms of life. They prefer the best of everything and often purchase the most expensive items because they want it to last.

Generally their manners are impeccable, if not a little formal at times. Taurus is not impressed with situations of conflict and will generally avoid difficult characters. They are not impressed by vulgarities or coarse language. Taurus is refined and traditional. They value hard work, stability and respectability.

Taurus can be slower than other signs but their thoroughness is outstanding. Solid dependable friends, they resist change. Prosperity & happiness are found in routine and complacency. They are often the last to leave and are commended by all for their stamina and tireless effort. Taurus is the turtle who won the race!

They role model the benefits of taking a slower more considered approach with an emphasis on being prepared with skills and resources. An ability to cover everything, so when someone says "we don't have such and such" Taurus pipes up with "yes we do here it is". Taurus understands that solid foundations take time to build and consistency to maintain. They have faith in the tried and true methods that have been proved over time that they work. They are skeptical about the feasibility of new methods, unless they were part of the development process. Taurus has a wait and see approach.

Taurus energy is sensual and tactile. They need to touch things, feel the texture, smell the aroma or have a taste. Taurus seeks experiences that are physical and tangible. They need to see that it exists – behavior or object. They need to see concrete evidence not lofty stories or maybes. If you fail to present the evidence Taurus will eventually walk away. It may take a while but once they make the change they will not change back.

Taurus is resilient, productive, cautious and thorough. They are loyal consistent friends; often the solid rock in the group; they are reliable, dependable and grounded.

Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac an Earth sign imbued with practicality and the need for tangible circumstances. The first Fixed sign of the Zodiac slowly but surely works toward their aims. Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus. Taurus is the polar opposite of Scorpio. Examine the placement of Venus and any Aspects to it to glean more information about the Taurus energy in the chart. 

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Aries - The First Sign of The Zodiac

Aries is the leader, the boss, the one who has the excitable ability to motivate and inspire others to action.

Aries can be a bit of a "hot head" due to their impatient "want it now" attitude, but as the business owner or boss they are in their element. Even as the humble employee Aries has an independent approach that gets the job done.

Aries is extremely adept at getting things "of the ground" the head hunter, a shaker & mover who is expert at pulling rabbits out of the hat in record time! Starting the project, delegating the tasks and then it’s off to start the next job. 

Aries is brave and determined energy, unafraid of potential risks, rising to the challenge and succeeding against all odds. They love to conquer – a mountain, a rival, an impossible ask, an amazing save - they can't help themselves - if someone says "that's impossible" - Aries is stirred to action with excited fervour.  These behaviours can lead to accidents due to, too must haste and zeal. Aries learns as they get older to assess the risks in line with their abilities. Aries learns best through experience, any other way is boring, they want to be out there doing it on the front line, not sitting around talking about it.

If you want to get something started you need Aries energy - it is their innate talent. If you are looking for a leader employ Aries energy. If you need courage and conviction it is Aries energy. Aries energy gets things done – they are good at directing others, they approach tasks with an energy that is inspiring to others.

Aries energy likes to act independently of others, working alone or as a sole trader. They don’t like delays or excuses. They may give you a second chance - if they’re in a good mood but expect them to keep you under pressure for a while. Aries energy seeks brevity, not long winded explanations – get to the point and make it quick. When directing Aries the same applies – they need clear concise instructions.

Aries is a sign that is full of energy. It takes a lot of energy to start things!

Aries is a Fire sign, the first sign of the Zodiac; enthusiastic, excitable and inspirational. The first Cardinal Sign; actively seeks and initiates. Aries is ruled by the Planet Mars. Aries is the polar opposite of Libra. Examine the placement of Mars and any Aspects to it to glean more information about the Aries energy in the chart. 

Sunday 24 September 2017

Introduction to The Personal & Generational Planets and their Keywords.

The Planets are well known to most people. We all learn some Astronomy at school. This means we all know the names of the planets and where they sit in the solar system. We have all seen those charts and diagrams that illustrate the solar system. We are also familiar with photographic images of the various planets.

Astrology differs from Astronomy because Astrology attributes meaning to each of the planets. Astronomy only looks at data for the purposes of scientific definition. Astronomers tend to discount Astrology due to its empirical nature.

The Planets like the Signs describe energies, a rich symbolism that orders and describes the human condition on Earth. As with the Signs the Planets are grouped in various ways.  Astrological knowledge continually divides and groups the parts that make up the whole.

The Sun and Moon are described as the Luminaries. The Luminaries are essential keys to understanding the Natal Chart; they are the most personal energies in the chart. The Sun is the light and the Moon reflects the light of the Sun. The Sun is the pathway towards wholeness that we walk through life, with all its changes and milestones from birth to death. The Moon on the other hand is our feelings, emotions, moods and memories. In the Sun we also find the view the person has of their Father. In the Moon we find the view of the Mother.

The Planets are divided into two main groups - the inner planets and the outer planets. These are also described as Personal Planets and Generational Planets. The Personal Planets are; Mercury, Venus and Mars (Mars is an outer planet but is considered to be a personal energy). The Generational Planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Personal Planets are as they suggest – they are personal energies. This is because they are close to the Sun and they move in shorter cycles as they orbit around the Sun. These Planets are in the signs for relatively short periods of time. Mercury describes how we communicate, Venus describes our relationships and Mars describes our physical energy.

The Generational Planets are further from the Sun and they take longer to orbit the Sun. Therefore they stay in one Sign for a much longer period of time. We can define the differences in generations by which signs the outer planets were in at the birth. These outer planets become personal when they are in aspect (mathematical relationship) to either of The Luminaries or The Personal Planets. Jupiter brings us luck and optimism and the need to learn by understanding. Saturn brings in issues such as limitations, restrictions, low self-esteem and a lack of confidence. Uranus brings in issues such as rebellion, chaos, lack of commitment and a lack of emotion. Neptune brings in issues concerned with loss, confusion, dis-illusion and over whelming emotion. Pluto brings in issues of power, control, secrecy and intense emotion.  

When Personal Planets are in aspect by conjunction, opposition or square to any of the outer planets: the issues associated to each pair or combination of planets will be the key issues facing the person over their lifetime. The Signs, The Houses and the other planets not involved with an outer planet tend to fall into the back ground of insignificance, in comparison to the strength of the personal to outer planetary pairs. The sign will give you flavour that it is sensitive to and the House will give the area of life that it plays out in. In other words the Sign and House are the costume and the stage that the characterisation of the planets play out in. 

The Info Graphics below are the Symbol for each Planet, the essential keywords and the Sign ruled by each planet. Learning the keywords for each planet is a good beginning when learning Astrology. The Planets are key to understanding the issues in a Natal Chart. 

The simple combination of the keywords listed in the Info Graphics (below) for each planet is one of the first steps in understanding how the energies of planetary pairs combine. 

Friday 22 September 2017

The Ascendant/ Rising Sign in The Natal Chart.

The Ascendant is representative of your birth; it is that moment when the first breath is taken. Symbolically we have left the womb of the Great Mother in the 12th and we have become a self, a new life, born at the Ascendant. As the Ascendant is the ruler of the first house – it is very much about how the self-projects itself, into its immediate environment, immediately around the person. At the Ascendant we do not find the complete inner authentic self of the person. It is about being seen for the first time. Our Births are our first appearance ever! A long waited appearance that is received with all the excitement and enthusiasm that a natural Fire House can dish up.

The Ascendant is not an isolated lonely point in the chart. It is part of a mathematical set of points which is called The Cross of Matter. The Ascendant is one side of an Axis which represents the Horizon. The Ascendant is East and the other side of the Axis – The Descendant is West. The MC/IC Axis is The Meridian and The Nadir. Together they form The Cross of Matter, which is Symbolic of our incarnation upon the earth as a human. The Ascendant represents dawn, the MC represents noon, The Descendant represents dusk and the IC represents midnight. The Ascendant is also called The Rising Sign because it is the sign rising on the horizon in the east at dawn on the day of your birth. The Ascendant cannot be calculated without a time of birth.

The Cross of Matter emphasises a Mode: Cardinal: actively seeks & initiates (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn), Fixed: slowly but surely achieves their aims (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius), Mutable: goes with the flow (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces). When the two Axes of The Cross of Matter are in different Modes it is called a Dissociated Cross ( also called: 'out of sign') which indicates that there is an interruption to the natural flow in the Chart due to the Axes being at cross purposes to each other.

The Ascendant /Rising Sign is like your front garden, it’s your street appeal, it’s how you present yourself, it’s what strangers at the shops think you are like, just by looking at you! When you meet someone for the first time and make an impression upon them – that’s your Ascendant in operation.  When you hear people say that they really liked someone the first time they met but as they got to know them, they really didn’t get along at all or you hear the opposite they couldn’t stand each other but as they got to know each other their relationship blossomed. Both scenarios describe the initial impression given by the Ascendant. ‘Getting to know someone’ is the Sun & Moon followed by the rest of the chart, unless they didn’t get along that is.
The way we dress and style ourselves is associated with the Ascendant. We may arrive naked as newborn’s but we are quickly wrapped and covered by the midwives. What we wear when we are going out is determined by the Ascendant – what you wear to work is the 6th and 10th Houses because the boss has rules about that! Your favourite weekend attire, the clothes that you’re comfortable in, the ones that portray the real you to others; are guided by the Sign of the Ascendant. It is also your hair colour, makeup or none, clean shaven or bearded, jewellery and adornments or not, piercings, tattoos, cosmetic plastic surgery and anything else that portrays your persona is The Ascendant.

The Ascendant is our first line of defence! We use it to protect ourselves. Like the great walls built around towns & cities in past days to protect the population, or the fences around our residences, or the front doors of our homes – these are the barriers that must be passed by others before we let them into our personalities. This is why the Ascendant is often described as a mask – the mask we put on in order to protect ourselves, in order to deflect others from our true character until we deem them to be safe! Then and only then do we let them into our lives.

The manner in which you start things is firstly governed by the Sign, Mode & Element of the Ascendant. The initial beginning of an activity, endeavour or enterprise begins at the Ascendant, it gets the follow through (or not) from the rest of the chart. The Cardinal Cross will start things with fervour and enthusiasm and once it’s up and running they delegate so they can go start something else. The Fixed Cross starts things slowly and sticks with it, with determined persistence, The Mutable Cross starts things because it came up right in front of them and they thought why not!

The Ascendant is therefore the logical place to start when reading a chart, as it sets up the whole chart. The initial assessment of how a person presents themselves to the world, protects themselves from the world, how they dress, how they accessorise themselves, how they portray themselves to others and how they start things are all summed up by the Sign of the Ascendant. 

The Cross of Matter - Info Graphic

Wednesday 20 September 2017

The Conundrum of the Quincunx

The Quincunx is the least understood of any of the aspects. What you will read everywhere is that the parts of the Quincunx have nothing in common by Element or Mode. That the connection between them is tenuous and hostile at best – they don’t get along because they have nothing in common by Element or Mode. The conversation between them is apparently, no conversation at all!

The essential question must be – How can two energies that are connected by aspect be separate from each other. We are presented with the conundrum of connection and disconnection in the same package of information. Up until the Dot Com Boom this had made very little practical sense. Since 2004 we have had the ever increasing impact of Facebook in our lives. Facebook has created a space where people are connected yet disconnected at the same time. Connected by their devices but physically separated from the people they are connecting with. It matters not how well one to gets to know others on Social Media there is a level of detachment that comes with the platform for everybody. The physical separation has been true of the telephone since its invention but up until the advent of the telemarketer, phone calls came from people who we have relationships with. This is very unlike Social Media, where new friendships are made by the minute all over the world with people who we may never actually meet with in our lifetimes.

I have come to view The Quincunx in a personification - two people are standing apart in a room, they are tied together with a long rope but they have their backs turned to each other. They each know the other is there but they can only feel the other. They cannot see each other.  One cannot move without the other knowing, they can feel it but they cannot see it. There is no line of sight between them, so one or the other does not see it coming. This gives rise to connect, disconnect, connect, disconnect and so on.

In order to delineate the Quincunx one needs to examine the Planetary Pair first. What type of pair is it? An Outer Planet Quincunx to an Outer Planet is a generational challenge. Everyone born, when you were has it in their charts. An Outer Planet Quincunx to a Luminary (Sun Moon), Personal Planet (Mercury Venus, Mars; for this purpose mars is included as personal) or an Angle (The Cross of Matter – Ascendant Descendant MC IC) is unique to your chart and is therefore a personal issue. This is true for All Aspects in a Chart and by Transit.

I have always found that a simple building of the keywords and concepts for the planets, to be the best place to start when delineating. The major keywords and concepts for The Quincunx are Separation, Estrangement, Forced relationships with people or things that you don’t get along with, the forming of false relationships and tenuous connections without substance.

Once the Planetary situation is sorted then the next layer of information is added which is the House Positions of the Planets involved in the Quincunx. The Houses involved are not working together they are working against each other. The two areas of life have no connection to each other, yet you operate in both areas. Could this be as simple as two groups of friends/associations that don’t know each other and will never be invited to the same social gathering at your place?

As the Quincunx is 150 degrees it nearly always connects the upper and lower hemispheres of the chart. It is possible in the mathematics for a Quincunx to be entirely above or below the Horizon. It won't happen often but it is certainly possible. Above and Below the Horizon have two very different functions. Above the Horizon is where meet with and interact with others and Below the Horizon is where we are faced with ourselves. Like the opposition a conflict is going on between ourselves and others, the opposition offers us creative conflict that stirs us to take action due to a prompt from self, others or external circumstances. The Quincunx causes a similar conflict which is also creative in nature, it also involves a prompt from self, others or external circumstances but the creativity comes by way of separating the two areas and energies in order to take action. Does this give the person with The Quincunx that enviable talent of objectivity, the ability to separate agendas, parties, issues, people, tasks or anything else associated with the planets and Houses involved? Maybe the blindfold of this aspect is needed to make you take or suffer actions which lead you to a more independent and objective position. Maybe if we could actually see all of what’s going on we would not act or create at all. Could the idiom of the blind leading the blind somehow explain this conundrum of an Aspect?

As this post goes to publication I have transiting Uranus in my 6th House Quincunx my 27 degree 11th House Moon – I have been restricted from any involvement in groups for a week by Facebook. Separated from the groups I am a member of and the groups I administrate and moderate in. Access denied, separated without warning or explanation. Facebook has been my daily routine for a few years now. Transiting Uranus is also Quincunx my 27 degrees Ascendant, so I will not be seen in Facebook Groups this week! The restriction placed upon me by Facebook has given me the creative space and focus needed to write this post and be a blogger who is blogging. Onward and forward! I will not be deterred Mr Zuckerberg!

Thanks for being here.

 Kim Akinta Astrologer 

The Quincunx: 150 degrees - Info Graphic

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Blog Conception Chart

Welcome to my New Astrology Blog

Welcome to my New Astrology Blog, Kim Akinta Astrologer.

I'm new at this blogging caper but I'm sure that like most things I will get the hang of it as I settle into writing rather than talking. I'm not new to Astrology and that's what counts. I trained in Adelaide South Australia with Dr Bernadette Brady, I sat the exams in 1989 & 1990 and became a Federation of Australian Astrologers Practitioner. I have been in and out of practice ever since. I have been returning to practice over the past couple of years or so, after motherhood as my kids are getting into their teens now. 

I have been waiting for this date and time to commence this blog. As you will see - the conception chart has captured the New Moon in Virgo on the MC. I wanted the Virgo Sun to be in the same position as Astrologer Liz Greene's Natal Chart with the Sun on the MC in Virgo, which it is, but, I could not get the Sun Moon conjunction and have the Sun at the same degree as Liz. We all have our Astrology Heroes and Liz Greene is certainly one of mine. My Natal Moon is in Virgo and I like that correspondence with the blog conception. 

So I begin my blog under the auspices of double Virgo on the MC and hard working, practical Capricorn Rising - triple earth folks! The ninth house is nicely packed with my team of literary assistants. My quest being to connect with others and tap into some resources using my own resources fits nicely with the Nodal Axis falling across the 8th / 2nd Axis.  Given that I am a Stellium person I don't mind the Pluto being in the first house of the conception chart and I do have Scorpio Rising natally. Chiron is on the IC, so hit the follow button, make a cuppa and take a seat this will be interesting. 

Do you follow my pages on Facebook? Have you seen my Astro Info Graphics and humorous memes? This blog is going to go through the various 600 or more files, and one by one, I will tell their story, talk about my reasoning behind them and maybe even my design process. If I follow my daughter's advice I might even give a sneak peek into my little note book where most of the ideas for my graphics start. Yep! That's with a pen on paper! I will be looking for a new little notebook soon as my current companion is almost full. The blog will also feature new work as get used to the new seat. 

Thanks for being here, I am grateful for all the support I have had on Facebook and this seems to be the next step up! So hit the stairs with me and we will go up, one by one, in a third house style - the colloquial, the every day, the obvious stuff in front of our faces that we say - Why didn't I think of that? How didn't I see that? It's so obvious! A common sense approach to Astrology, a practical use of Astrology, after all we all got interested in the first place to find a happier us! Didn't we? You might even chuckle a bit, if I'm lucky. 

The Quincunx and The Semi Sextile

Quincunx and Semi Sextile The Semi Sextile and The Quincunx are considered Minor Aspects yet I put them into a class of their own. ...