Sunday 15 October 2017

The Moon on The Ascendant & The First Quadrant of The Natal Chart

Moon on The Ascendant

A Planet on an Angle is a strong statement in the Natal Chart. The Ascendant is intuition and the Moon is intuition - making this placement very sensitive to everything going on around them. The Ascendant is where we wear a mask and wear our clothes. The Moon is our most personal; feelings and emotions and a somewhat private energy. When the Moon is on the Ascendant, the emotional self is difficult to hide from others. This is not a favourable position for a poker player because this placement will wear their feelings in their faces. They will appear to others as a compassionate caring person who can be quite moody. Other people are drawn to Moon on the Ascendant as they feel safe and nurtured in their presence; perfect strangers will open up to the Moon on The Ascendant person.  Their ability to make others feel comfortable is outstanding. As The Ascendant is an axis the opposite side is the Descendant. The Moon is also opposite the Descendant which relates to significant others, partnerships and marriage. They will project these qualities onto those relationships and therefore seek out people who are caring, nurturing, compassionate and moody. The Descendant is sensation – they will look to others to experience emotional situations with and they will seek out emotionally competent close relationships.

The Moon in The First House

The Sign of the Ascendant is the cusp of The First House. Therefore this House is an Angular House; “to be”. The First House is all about the self, the wants, needs, demands and focus are self-involved and self-motivated, the ‘me’ in ‘me first’ is found in the First House and to some extent in the Fifth House. The Moon in the First House focuses the emotions and feeling in the self. Their feelings come first, they love themselves before others, their memories are focused on their experiences – if it wasn’t about them they don’t remember! The Mother is a prominent figure in the person’s life that is seen as quite directive and straightforward. The Moon rules Women and issues relating to women and regardless of the gender of the chart there is receptivity to the roles of women in their lives. It also indicates a keen intuitive ability as the person is sensitive to the vibe going on around them, they have an ability to read the emotional landscape in their immediate vicinity. It may not hit them immediately but as the processing of feeling occurs; it will dawn on them exactly what went down and what’s going on. This is not a language process; it is not articulated by the mind, it is a sense, like a flavour mixing in fluid. They are often found in caring or community roles.

The Moon in The Second House

The Second House is a Succedent House; “to use”. It is your body which is your first possession. The Second House is all about what is mine – my body, my possessions, my objects, my money and my values/beliefs. As most of us no longer live in hunter gatherer tribes and we require money to buy food and shelter, money is Second House because it is attached to the sustainability and protection of our bodies. The Second House is also concerned with sentimentality and the traditions that formed the values and beliefs that are held. The person will be more open to the conservative values of the mother. This is a position where emotions are invested in objects, furniture and possessions relating to deeply held feelings, the mother or mothers line of the family. This can make for a dealer in olden wares and antiques or equally a hoarder of everything imaginable. Emotional imbalance can lead to the squandering of money, retail therapy, refusing to give up objects and the wilful destruction of objects attached to ill feeling and emotional pain. Binge eating can be found here as can be fine dining and opulence depending on the emotional condition of the person. Feeling good is attached to food, luxury and the manifestation of actual things that can be touched and seen. Saving for a rainy day is the Moon in the Second; they will do what is needed to secure the safety and protection of their domicile. They will also consider their monetary affairs to be private and are likely to be wealthier than they portray themselves to be. They are unlikely to reveal to anyone any financial problems or lack of cash flow; it will be managed quietly and out of the sight of others. If you are dating a Moon in the Second it’s the old flowers and chocolates routine and a bit of old fashioned courting. Even a Fire Moon will be slowed down in The Second House. In matters of intimacy this is a sensual tactile slow moving position for the Moon which is passive in ‘position’ and prefers to receive than to lead.

The Moon in The Third House

The Third House is a Cadent House; “to understand”. It is all about thinking, talking and moving around that which is local and familiar. The Moon in this position is emotionally affected by whatever is going on around their local neighbourhood. They will be plugged in to what is going on and feel a connection to locals and neighbours. They are also emotionally in tune with siblings and are keenly intuitive about what is going on for close familiar relatives. This position of the Moon needs to talk about their feelings and to analyse their feelings as to why they are feeling the way they are feeling. They can also become quite restless when facing ill feelings or emotional imbalance. Walking can assist them to sort out how they feel and it will cause fatigue so they can sleep, rather than lie awake all night worrying about the emotional situation. They will also go on long drives, train or bus trips to sort through their emotions or just because it makes them feel good to travel around their town. The intuitive Moon has the ability in this position to read the nonverbal communication of others – the body language, the gestures, the look on their face, the vibe they put out and they have the ability to read the language used; through an extraordinary auditory interpreter. It’s almost as if they can hear the spaces between the words and the pauses have as much if not more to say than the language chosen.  Intense or strong emotions can cause this position to gag the tongue, making it difficult to near impossible to articulate or communicate at all. The person may just cry and babble making no sense at all as they are so overwhelmed by emotion equally they have the ability to express emotion and empathy through the voice and can make brilliant speeches as they can touch and connect with their audience. If the Moon in the Third understands the why behind the feeling – they feel good. Where no understanding can be reached they have trouble letting the feeling go.

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