Monday 18 June 2018

Venus in The Astrological Signs

Venus in Aries

When it comes to matters of love you prefer to conquer rather than to be seduced. You enjoy the chase and a partner who you can never quite entirely catch, as a partner who is boring will soon have you looking for greener pastures. You look for friends who are get up and go types and enjoy doing exciting things like you do. You expect to be the directive partner in relationships and the one who drives the action in any partnerships, with colleagues or with friends.  You are a natural when it comes to organising social events and getting people together. You have the knack of bossing people around softly enough that they enjoy doing what you ask them so nicely to do. You can be impatient when getting involved in a new love interest as you like to go quicker than most but as its Venus you will be polite and well-mannered about it. Venus in Aries has all the initiative of Aries with the diplomacy and balance of Venus. Any position that handles people and builds harmonious relationships will be part of the mix as to earning or generating income. 

Aries: Cardinal Fire – Actively seeks Action: Venus; in relationships, pleasure and money.

Venus in Taurus

You approach love and friendship slowly and discerningly because you prefer quality over quantity. You enjoy relationships that endure and remain stable and will choose a partner not only because they are drop dead gorgeous but also because they smell nice and are of the means to provide you with the lifestyle you desire or are accustomed to.  You are tactile and seek a partner who is as touchy feely as you are. Sensuality and affection and the reciprocation from your partner will be important considerations before you will say “I do” You will love food with a gourmet palette and social functions that share food or the food you have prepared. You have creative abilities in design and the styling of all things that can be touched and seen. The ability to craft, make, arrange or supply objects of beauty and or function will be in the mix of earning or generating income. Manners are important to you and being polite is the mainstay of your relationships. You avoid conflict or terse arrogant types as you pretty much only want to engage with others in a pleasant exchange or not at all.

Taurus: Fixed Earth – Persistently seeks the Material: Venus; in relationships, pleasure and money.

Venus in Gemini

You do like to talk and you like people and lovers who talk back.  You seek friends who are light hearted; enjoy a joke or some of your quick wit and like to exchange stories. As there are two sides to the twins of the Zodiac you will have two distinctly different sets of friends - one will have to do with the boring drudgery of life as you see it and the other set will be fun and intellectually stimulating in social settings. You are able to speak in a voice which is a pleasure to listen to and you have creative writing skills or abilities in journalism or news reporting. You do well in roles that report on and communicate about relationships, socialising or monetary topics. You likely have played cupid for some of your friends as you can always put people together and get them talking, you may even unknowingly have introduced your partner to their next partner.   You have the ability to work a crowd like a maestro conducts an orchestra – either to sell them something or get them introduced or throw in a gem to get them talking or debating – stimulating the conversation.

Gemini: Mutable Air – Flows with and seeks Ideas: Venus; in relationships, pleasure and money.

Venus in Cancer

You are a talented and creative person who in matters of love is caring and seeks a partner who likes to be as private as you do. You take the lead in relationships in a caring and concerned manner, making people feel comfortable and you have an excellent ability to listen to others and draw them out of themselves. You are a person who lives and breathes creativity in every part of life, whether it’s a project your busy on or the ability to come up with a creative solution – you are happiest when you’re bringing life to others or to babies or to objects or to breeding animals, sprucing up the car on the weekend or fixing one of the kids toys. You enjoying and gain pleasure from helping others, mothering your friends, nurturing your partner/spouse and kids love you. In matters of money you will always be careful to manage your nest egg so as to ensure that your needs and the needs of your family will always be met. You will be a good saver and will manage the family budget in any relationship. Any positions that require interviewing or face to face meetings to gather information assist with forms or provide assistance/care to others will be part of the mix as to earning income.

Cancer: Cardinal Water – Actively seeks Emotions: Venus; in relationships, pleasure and money.

Venus in Leo

In matters of love you seek to find your King or Queen so as to build your kingdom of friends, lovers and dynasty. When you fall in love you do it in style and you want the whole world to know about it. You will be attracted to others who can get past the showy stuff and see your heart for who you really are. When that connection is made you fall for them hook line and sinker. You will put more time into those who show you loyalty and those who listen more than speak as you do like an audience. Your creativity lies in your performance abilities and the pleasure you feel when in the spotlight. You enjoy being noticed and will attire yourself in such a way so as to attract attention and receive those welcome compliments you enjoy. You enjoy socialising and meeting up with friends, you do not enjoy your own company as much as the company of others. You don’t like being alone and ought to always live with others. Living alone is not compatible with your nature unless it’s in the 12th House or conjunct Uranus. You can be selfish at times; more so in your youth than your maturity as you learn to balance your self-serving needs with the needs of others. Any positions that involve leadership and you being noticed and revered will be part of the mix as to earning income.

Leo: Fixed Fire – Persistently seeks Action: Venus; in relationships, pleasure and money.

Venus in Virgo

You love to do things for others to show them that you love them. You do this because it makes you feel happy – it looks like you make others happy by doing this but the motivation is really all about you and what gives you pleasure. Your critical voice and eye for detail is where your creative abilities lie and will be part of the mix as to earning income. Overthinking yourself into a state of anxiety and worry can occur when your overly critical voice is set against yourself or your friends or your partner/spouse. Issues with relationships will set you off by a loss of appetite or binge eating. Hobbies that involve lots of little bits being formed into a whole with much detail can assist your mind to settle and gain clarity as to your relationships with others. Making and crafting with others, for others or showing them how to will give you pleasure as will any puzzle solving activities. Learning to see the big picture in relationships rather than being stuck in the details with the nose to the grindstone just living one thing after another can lead to ruts and a loss of the romance of marriage. Date nights and taking time out from all the work regularly will aid in the big picture of your marriage. You find it hard to ask for help from others and like to do everything yourself and for others. Outer planet transits to Venus will cause you to ask for help and get it.

Virgo: Mutable Earth – Flows with and seeks The Material: Venus; in relationships, pleasure and money.

Venus in Libra

You are charming, attractive and nice to people. You have the ability to form friendships and create social groups with the flair and grace of the natural host. You form relationships with others with ease and have the knack of gathering contacts at a bus stop or in a supermarket line.  You like people who are polite and not rough around the edges. You avoid conflict, arguments or disagreements because you just don’t like them, don’t do them and don’t want to be involved in them. You can dress yourself or a room with style that others just melt over. Your creative abilities lie in how you present yourself so perfectly groomed, in lovely colours and come across to others as pleasing on the eyes. You have an eye for all that is aesthetic and pleasing and this will be part of the mix as to how you earn an income. You also have abilities to mediate and/or negotiate with and on behalf of others. You are the perfect diplomat approaching others with balance and perspective.   You also seek perfection in your love relationship and may constantly think that your perfect partner is yet to come – your happiness and peace of mind lay in the acceptance that you are in the perfect relationship for you at this time in your life.

Libra: Cardinal Air – Actively seeks Ideas: Venus; in relationships, pleasure and money.

Venus in Scorpio  

Seriously! You are serious when it comes to matters of love and friendship. You’re not the second chance type and if in the rare moment that you do give them a second chance – that’s definitely an indication that you love them an awful lot! Love without passion is devoid of the depth you seek when forming love relations and trustworthiness is essential to form any friendship, alliance or colleague relationship. You are sensitive to the undercurrents that go on in personal relationships and generally can sniff bullshit from forty feet! You will not tolerate fools and you will not allow yourself to lose control. When you form the bonds of love and commit to a spouse you really do play for keeps and the honour of your vows and theirs as it makes you feel content and safe being “off the market”. Intimacy in your love relationship is very important to you so as to fulfil your needs and a sexless marriage is the beginning of the end of that relationship. Your circle of friends will be built on years of friendship as you keep the few who you trust implicitly and have foundations of proven care and loyalty with. You are intense when relating to others and any positions that relates to others in intense and sensitive ways will be part of the mix as to earning income.  You keep your financial affairs to yourself – it’s no one else’s business!

Scorpio: Fixed Water – Persistently seeks Emotions: Venus; in relationships, pleasure and money.

Venus in Sagittarius

If it’s not fun for you with others you won’t turn up! You seek excitement and fun experiences with friends as you do with whoever you fall in love with. If it’s boring you’re out of there! You seek stimulating and interesting pastimes or pleasures and you have the ability to relate to people from all walks of life, demographic or socio economic group. Travel or airports could be your middle name, you love having your pass port stamped on the way to another life enriching adventure with your spouse and best friend. You also have a knack of being able to show others how to do things or find things or you’re the one who knows the person they need. You love to get out and about and meet others anywhere, any time or in any city so it’s not surprising that you know so many people. You’re not the stay at home type at all, that’s no adventure, that’s no fun; engaging with others and letting the day take you where it ends up is much more to your liking. Any positions that give you this freedom will suit you and be part of the mix as to earning income. You love learning and enjoy having friends who have interesting pursuits and knowledge. You don’t just make friends – you want to understand them and understand love and everything about your spouse. You are compelled to learn more about yourself and your partner so as to have a pleasurable and loving relationship.

Sagittarius: Mutable Fire – Flows with the Action: Venus; in relationships, pleasure and money.

Venus in Capricorn

You are the salt of the earth, you always do what you say will for others and you can be relied on and trusted to always come through. You do have trouble saying no to others for fear of being rejected or un-liked. You are also far too hard on yourself in personal relationships which can hold you back from fully expressing all of what you feel, fear and love. You form friendships slowly as you build trust, you also fall in love with some coaxing and convincing that they do mean what they say when they say they love you. You also hold yourself back in social settings until you have assessed the norms, etiquette, rules, guidelines or protocols. Once those are established you will drop some of your guard and loosen up a bit, then you will start enjoying yourself. It doesn’t take much to impress you, as you appreciate the simpler and more practical activities with others and you prefer sustainable relationships and friendships as you are generally in there for the long haul with the few people you hold close and dear to you. You also tend to attire yourself in tones and colours that don’t stand out too much and would be the utter opposite of flashy or showy. You prefer to blend in rather than stand out. You are good with the money you get and your ability to manage and budget your financial affairs is outstanding. Frugal would be harsh but how else will you get there? Any positions requiring the management and or withholding of funds will be part of the mix as to earning an income.  

Capricorn: Cardinal Earth – Actively seeks the Material; Venus; in relationships, pleasure and money.

Venus in Aquarius

Your friends are everything to you even to the detriment of your actual family as you believe in a connection to all human souls and you relish in getting out there like the social butterfly you are and enjoying the rich and varied human landscape with a chance to mingle. You are a strong advocate for the individual and their rights when it comes to relationships and you will know people of all genders, sexuality and partnership types. You will seek friendships on the fringes with people who aren’t necessarily considered the majority or the have the capacity to represent themselves. Any positions that stand up for the rights of others will be part of the mix as to earning income. When it comes to love you need a friend first and a lover second, you also need some room to move as anyone who attempts to stifle your freedom won’t last long. You don’t mind doing things alone and you have a friend for every mood. You can be inconsistent with who your spending time with and at times you can be distracted and not plugged in to the person you are in the company of. As you can be caught up with thinking and visualising things in your head you can also be oblivious to the feelings going on with others. There will be lessens about feelings in love relationships and being plugged in and less dismissive of people’s feelings whilst you posit another intellectual perspective instead. Love for you is a meeting of minds as much as it is a meeting of hearts. A meeting of world and humanitarian views all form your needs being met in a love union. You manage money in unusual ways or earn it by unusual or irregular means.

Aquarius: Fixed Air - Persistently seeks Ideas: Venus; in relationships, pleasure and money.

Venus in Pisces

You are romantic; soft lights, a candle, the mood is set, the music has been selected and you hope to merge blissfully after dinner into the arms of your true one. Love is your faith and faith is your love, your partner is your soulmate and you would feel empty without them. You choose kind and caring friends who are as sensitive as you are, as compassionate as you are and above all have a respect for the humanness and fragility in all of us. You have the sensitive ability with others to just sense what is going on for them, you don’t need language to read others you just feel it, know it, you just can. A gesture, a look, a vibe, an energy flow you’re picking up on – you may even have trouble describing it with language and may need to use a picture, a sound, some music or a poem to get it across. Yours is the ethereal zone beyond what is logical or seen, your empathy extends to all humanity and beyond into the world of sprit. There will be lessons of having to discern more and protect yourself with boundaries and lines of demarcation so as to not be so vulnerable or gullible. Any positions that care for others or sacrifice self interest in relationships will be part of the mix as to earning income. You will enjoy socialising in small parties in private, natural and picturesque places. You love nature and gain much pleasure form gardens, parks and waterside areas. You tend towards worship and finding your way to commune with the spirit within and without will give you a sense of harmony and balance. You can lack financial acuity as you let it slip through your fingers in the pursuit of pleasure.  

Pisces – Mutable Water: Flows with Emotions: Venus; in relationships, pleasure and money. 

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