Monday 11 June 2018

Venus In The Houses

Venus in The First House

The love of self and everything to do with who you are and showing that to others. You always present yourself well and make the most of what you have got so as to be as attractive as you possibly can be.  You are a well presented stylish person with manners, charm and a diplomatic nature. You have a love of fashion, stylish objects and well-designed surroundings. You have a preference for an easy life that does not require too much effort on your part. Surrounding oneself with friends, socialising and meeting up with others and forming relationships with others that serve your own self-interests. Pleasure is found by attracting attention and being complimented by others. You have the ability to turn heads walking down the street. You always check in the mirror before leaving the house so as to ensure you are neat, tidy and well-groomed and nothing is out of place. The self is defined by and through your relationships and friendships. There is a keen eye for design and craftsmanship and the ability to make anything look nice due to your stylish aesthetic.  You pride yourself on your manners and enjoy being polite to others. You have a natural willingness to co-operate with people and get the best experiences when relating to others who are around you.  You avoid conflict or people you consider just plain rude or inconsiderate and most times you have no interest, patience or the energy it takes to bother dealing with it, so you excuse yourself in the nicest way possible and delete them from your contacts.

Venus in The Second House

You have the ability to craft and make beautiful well designed objects. You love, love, love food, the preparation of food and social functions to share and eat food with friends.  Pleasure is found in all that is old and antique, collectable or objects that hold value in sentiment or money. The adept ability to accrue money, attract money and ensure that you have the money for your needs. Value is put on traditions and old fashioned approaches to relationships. Relationships and love interests are formed slowly in order to form solid and enduring married partnerships. You will prefer marriage with the ceremony rather than de facto relationships that lack security and surety.  You take time to engage and form relationships and look for others who align with your values and beliefs. You prefer to be around people who are polite, well-mannered and highly attractive.  Establishing relationships based on how pleasant a person is and with people who are easy to get along with. There is an avoidance of people who are untidy, rude or disagreeable. Venus in the second house people will simply withdraw quietly from situations that don’t feel nice or don’t give pleasure. The belief is held that the fight isn’t worth it and diplomacy wins out in the end. There is a tendency to judge in silence and withdraw contact without explanation. Your body is your temple and keeping it in shape is important to you so as to feel and look attractive, fit and toned in the muscles. Crafting the body through fitness or cosmetic surgery or diet – whichever method is pursued it’s all about the body being as beautiful as you can make it with resources you have.

Venus in The Third House

There is a love of talking and chatting and communicating and texting and posting and the love of your siblings and close relatives. You enjoy socialising in the neighbourhood, being friendly with neighbours and forming relationships in the local community. You have talent in sales and commerce with ability to build relationships, network and come up with clever ideas to sell inventory. You have skilful hands and creative abilities that are dextrous, adaptable and solution orientated. You form friendships that feel like brothers or sisters and you love spending time and having contact with your actual siblings. There is an ability to reflect body language back to others and create comfortable vibes so as to have the most pleasant of communications or exchange of information possible. You love to talk to people and exchange ideas about love, relating, art, pleasure and your social life. Your first port of call when forming friendships or interacting with friends is to speak up with a topic to get everyone talking. You don’t like the silences in conversation or gaps where the conversation seems to have run out. Listening to others and learning when enough information has been shared is a balancing act challenge for this placement. You love your car; you love driving around or being driven around. You will admire luxury vehicles and likely want one but this placement does not guarantee that it just describes the desire. Mobility makes these people happy and if they are unhappy in a situation they are likely to fidget, be restless and resist sitting still. If you do not drive a car you will be the master of public transport and may even know your cab or Uber drivers by name. You are an eloquent speaker, a negotiator, a mediator and have the ability to build bridges in communications between others and on behalf of others. Journalism or other writing pursuits with short content is where your some of your creative skill lies.

Venus in The Fourth House

You love and take immense pride in your home and family. You have creative flair and an eye for design which has the ability to style a room like its being set up for a magazine shot. Your home is tidy and whilst you can be lazy you know this so you will invest in energy saving modern appliances that make housework as easy as possible. You enjoy entertaining at home with family and close friends. You are an essentially private person and only invite people into your home, if you have a significant relationship with them or you are related by blood or marriage. You have a strong investment in your family line; current and past relations define your values and need for connection to your ancestry.  You gain pleasure from the history of your family line, family homes, family land and countries of origin or the motherlands of your family. Home is the nicest place in the world to you, you like being at home, you like to keep your close relationships and spousal arrangements private and inside the home. Matters of family are kept within the family and the financial position of the family is not discussed outside of the home. You come from a wealthy and or comfortable home. You have been strongly influenced by the families approach to finances, money management and balancing the household budget. You are the person who manages the money in the home and pays all the bills and keeps the home running smoothly. You are more inclined to make friends and seek partners through introductions by family members, friends and friends of friends or in a home environment. You will enjoy and take pleasure from crafting and maker hobbies at home and have the ability to derive income from this.

Venus in The Fifth House

You love yourself and the progeny of yourself. You like to make friends with people who are like you. You see yourself as a lover not a fighter and you also enjoy and take much pleasure from intimacy with your lover or lovers. Pleasure is sought through self-indulgence and satisfying your own needs. Seeking out and making friendships with creative people, artists, musicians and crafts or trades people. There is a talent for speculation and accruing money through speculation, taking entrepreneurial risks, playing the stock market or in poker tournaments. Recreation is high on the agenda and you enjoy socialising with friends who share your interests.  This position of Venus can make money from the child/youth sector, recreation and sport or from lovers, sponsors, annuities, shares or gambling. You like to look nice, you have a good sense of colour and flair as to how you style yourself.  You like and attract compliments and are noticed by others. You don’t mind a little bling and shiny things, being smartly dressed, attired and accessorised is important to your confidence and ability to attract lovers. You do not go out looking untidy or without a shower; your personal grooming is immaculate and very important to your self-esteem. You groom yourself so as to fit in and be noticed for all the right reasons and to make the nicest and most cordial of impressions on others. You will also be attracted to lovers and partners who are equally well groomed and who attend to their personal hygiene the way you do. When you have children you will the feel the most creative peak of your ability has been reached and raising your child is one of the greatest pleasures you will experience.

Venus in The Sixth House

You enjoy and gain pleasure from having work to do, having a job to go to every day and a routine that is predictable and set in stone. You form relationships in the workplace that are pleasant and amenable to your needs and will only work in a place that is nice to go to every day. You will not suffer bullies in the work place – you would rather resign and find a job where you will not be bullied. You have no trouble understanding that you get money from working for it and from good relations with others. You have an ability to create relationships, maintain relationships and network amongst people so as to make an income. The lack of money or problems with money leads to worry, anxiety and ill health if a solution is not found. You have a knack of gaining work opportunities through friends, industry or professional networks or by being friendly and pleasant. This position of Venus really does need to enjoy what they do every day, so working in a job they love is paramount to their health and well being. You will enjoy work that is creative, craft or trade based, handles money, stylish objects or serves the relationships of others in a mediating or negotiator role or positions that aid in maintaining health. There is a high likelihood that this position of Venus meets their future spouse at work or connected to work or connected to someone they work with. This position can also tolerate if not love working with your spousal partner. You choose your clothing and outfits to suit your day and the tasks at hand. There is an outfit for every job and kitting up and wearing the correct clothing for the job aids you in feeling like doing the job.

Venus in The Seventh House

Love and marriage is you’re everything on the path to happiness, a good life and the fulfilment of your highest desire. You don’t like being alone, single is a term that describes others; you prefer the company of others over spending any time alone what so ever. Your partner is your rock for feeling good about yourself and how you feel and enjoy pleasure. You enjoy the company of your friends and can’t imagine life without them. You enjoy socialising and having fun with those who are closest to you over and rather than with anyone else. Going to a work function alone or anywhere else is simply not something you will do or tolerate your partner doing. Its team marriage or it’s not a marriage. Its couple central with these people and associating with other couples, you won’t need to ask these people if they are married or are involved and taken they will not be backward in coming forward to assert it directly or indirectly. If Venus in this house is single you will have an extensive network of friends and social contacts that you catch up with and spend time with regularly.  Marrying into money or for money is not outside the realm of this placement. The prospective marital partner will be assessed as to their financial ability to contribute to the marriage so as to live an easy life. You know better than anyone how the tide of love can move to hate in relationships if they breakdown and this is where the open enemies of this house can play out in the most dramatic ways. You will be adept at helping others to go through these torrid times and if you befall such circumstance in your relationship – the bottom will literally fall out of your world, until you pick yourself back up again and go back on the market to find the next love of your life. You will bounce back quicker than Venus placed in other houses because you don’t like being single.

Venus in The Eighth House

You will only be happy in a partnership that is full of love and you get sex often. A sexless partnership is not a loving relationship in your view nor does it align to your needs in a marriage. It is essential to your whole sense of relating that you are able to make and get in return a full mind body and soul connection to your partner. Dalliances and one night stands are not the territory of this placement of Venus, you are monogamous and absolutely against any adulterous behaviour.  If your partner or spouse breaks the vows of marriage and sexual exclusivity or you do – the marriage is over, no if’s buts or maybes – it’s finished.   This is the ‘till death do we part’ placement in the marriage vows; you took this very seriously and fully expect your spouse to have meant it too. If the marriage does fail it will take time to recover and trust again before trying to form another partnership. This is the placement of the banker or person who balances, mediates (the middle man) or negotiates for and on behalf of other people s money. Other people give you money, you are kept by the money of others, benefactors, inheritances or through your relationships with others and ability to form beneficial financial relationships and business contacts. You have a keen adept ability to be charming with how you deal with other people and would be excellent in any role that receives and services others needs in any profession or industry. This is the position of the charming engaging person who can foster relations between others with grace and diplomacy. You have the ability to find the common ground with others and to exploit or grow that into market, business or financial opportunities, corporate alliances, trading partners and affiliates.

Venus in The Ninth House

You have a love of learning, travelling and relating to others who love the subjects you do. You love to travel anywhere you have never been with your partner or close companion. You make friends from diverse cultural and socio economic backgrounds and pride yourself on your multi-cultural experiences, travel and knowledge. An ability to find something in common with most people you meet from wide and broad backgrounds. You are attracted to marriage partners from a different country or cultural background than your own. You form relationships with others based on common interests that broaden your understanding of human relationships and all the ways people have them. You enjoy meeting up with others and gain pleasure from interacting and socialising with others in educational settings, in courses or at conferences or training for professional development. You love learning and enjoy doing anything that expands and develops your knowledge base and you make friends with people who are also like this. You have a love of reading and collecting books as you see books as your friends and will have trouble parting with some of them. You enjoy reading about relationships, romance and stories about couples and their relationships. You love to be where the trend is happening, having fun and doing exciting or adventurous activities with others. You keep up on the news an enjoy periodicals and professional journals or magazine relating to your interests. You pride yourself on having influential friends or well-known people in your contacts list.  You have creative writing abilities and the ability to analyse and seek to understand human relationships.

Venus in The Tenth House

You strive for status and cultivate a reputation of being a nice, agreeable easy to get along with person. You build your career by forming relationships and alliances with others in your public life. You love going out and socialising in friendly stylish and popular venues, parties, social settings or places with beautiful vistas. You prefer meeting up with friends outside of the home, you make friends at work or associated with your career. You always present yourself immaculately with an outfit for every occasion and you would not be displeased by a designer uniform or partner who wears a stylish uniform. You enjoy formal occasions and events that celebrate relationships and the milestones of your personal and public associations and family members. You have public appeal to others and have a reputation of being adept in brokering peace deals, negotiating resolutions between parties or stakeholders and generally being the go to person who fixes the relationships or knows the person who can aid in the resolution.  You build the necessary bridges or form the relationships needed to bring in the money in your work. Your career will involve money, the handling of money, forming monetary associations, networking money alliances or being responsible for money management.  What you love and see as your life direction and purpose may not be your work and you do it because you love it and care not about how much money it costs or you do or don’t make from it. You do it because you get pleasure from it and no other reason is needed. You will seek a partner who also enjoys public life so you have someone to share with and have a partner for social occasions. Your spouse is as much part of your public profile as you are. You are known for being an attractive good looking person.

Venus in The Eleventh House

You love your friends and your lover is your best friend first and your spouse second. You love to go out and do things with a companion or friend rather than going alone. You get a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction from being part of a group, a team or a peer group. Your hopes and dreams are all attached to love and sharing with your love partner, spouse or close companion.  You join groups or teams in order to make friends and form alliances that are pleasant and help the world be a better place somehow. You believe and uphold all the principles of the brotherhood and sisterhood of humans and will gain pleasure and feel happy associating with others who uphold these types of values. You relate to others with acceptance and a belief in their right to express their beliefs and their right to love whoever they want or fall in love with. You have the need to be in a partnership that is accepting of your wide social network and enjoyment of independent activities outside of the relationship.  You enjoy a variety of friends from all walks of life and tend to attract some of the more independent or eccentric characters. You seek a partner who allows you the freedom and autonomy to express your creativity and need for friends that are independent of common friends. The enjoyment of hosting social events and gatherings of people, making introductions and connecting people in the group so as to foster relationships and usher a pleasant experience for everyone in attendance. You make money through or with friends, with groups, in groups or servicing the needs and wants of groups, teams or anything that supports, hosts or convenes gatherings of people in social settings or helping to facilitate their hopes, wishes and or dreams.

Venus in The Twelfth House

You have a love of solitude and prefer to be out of the view of others. You prefer to keep your love relationship hidden from the view of others and are very private about it. It’s a need to know basis only and you do not feel comfortable talking about it or having to disclose it to others. You get pleasure from locking yourself away with your partner in remote and or idyllic environments, hotels or bed and breakfasts for uninterrupted love making and the total indulgence in bliss and pleasure. You are a romantic at heart and you seek a lover who you can feel so completely part of you that you lose yourself entirely in the union of souls. You feel a strong connection with spirit, with God or with a higher power outside of yourself. Your dreams reflect the issues you are feeling in your relationships with others and friends may feature in your dreams in roles that portray what you get from the friendship with them. You have a keen sensory ability to feel what is going on with others and you will need to develop boundaries with others so as to not have your amiable pleasant self, being walked all over and taken advantage of.  You are vulnerable to falling victim to others in matters of love unless you form boundaries and protect yourself. You can be attracted to victims and substance abusers and or become one, if you relate to one, so as to be on the same level to feel loved and less alone.  You have the ability to merge with others and to sense vibes in the collective, learning how to separate yourself with boundaries rather than isolation is the key to finding love, happiness and pleasure in a committed relationship. You enjoy spending time indulging your creative energy on projects in isolation which renews your energy and aids in debriefing yourself from relationship issues of others. 

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