Thursday 16 November 2017

The Moon and Mercury in Aspect - Conjunction, Opposition, Square, Trine & Sextile.

The Moon and Mercury in Aspect

Moon Conjunct Mercury

There is a need to voice and speak about the emotions and feelings. Thinking about memories and thoughts and attempting to rationalise the feelings through thought and mental processes. Emotions overwhelm the thinking processes and influence outcomes. There is an affinity and strong intuitive sensitivity with the mother, as a mother, with and in the company of women. There is an ability to forecast outcomes with a keen success rate. This pairing indicates a clever and creative person who relates in a caring and communicative manner. Communicating with mother is a joy and you know what she is thinking more often than not.

Moon Opposition Mercury

The emotions and the ability to speak up are in conflict with each other. Choices are put upon the person to think or to feel and the constant need to balance the two arises often. The emotions and feelings of others cause one to think about their own feelings. There is an ability to rationalise the emotions of others or to rationalise one’s own emotions to others. Creating situations where one must choose between irrational feelings and a rational logical approach or decision. There is a talent for initiating discussion with others in a caring and protective manner. There is an ability to separate the emotions from the discussion and keep to a more rational process of communication and visa versa. Communicating with mother can be fraught with taking the opposite position and the tendency to argue, discuss or debate with her. There is also a tendency to use mother as a sounding board before taking action.

Moon Square Mercury

The emotions and the thought processes are at constant odds with each other. There is a constant need to weigh up, consider, postulate about and analyse the feelings and thoughts. There is a never ending flux going on as to how to feel about something, what to think about something, the need to consider the feelings but seeing the reality of the situation after thinking it through. The irrational verses the rationale causing the constant need to readjust the feeling and thoughts about those feelings or the feelings being felt and the thoughts about that. There is an ability to adjust to emotional circumstances through thinking and communicating. There is also the capacity to change one’s mind about something or to change one’s opinion or view point with this placement. Indeed it is very much a placement that will change its mind and feelings about things quite often as they are influenced highly by those who they keep regular company with.  Communicating with mother often causes you to change your course of action, think it through more or to consider the feelings going on.

Moon Trine Mercury

The emotions and thinking processes are in harmony and free flow. This is the placement that doesn’t hold back when it comes to saying what needs to be said regarding the emotions, feelings, the need to care for each other and the concerns of the family, women, mothers and children. The nature of the trine makes it hard to hold back, the nature of Mercury is to communicate and the nature of the Moon is to care – put all that together and we get the one who will talk about the elephant in the room and if anyone has a problem with that, it will be received like water of a ducks back with a comment along the lines of – well someone had to say it! Communicating with mother is enjoyable and just flows nicely.

Moon Sextile Mercury

The emotions and thinking process create and receive opportunities. The intuition is keen and has the ability to seek out and or to create things for themselves. A person who is in the know regarding trends because they can feel it and are adept at ‘reading’ what’s going on at the street level.  There is a keen ability to tap into caring and sensitive communication abilities that can see both above and below in situations. They see one and sense the other with opportunistic precision.  Communicating with mother stimulates ideas that you use to create opportunities or mother creates for you. 

1 comment:

  1. I have Moon in Aries conjuction Mercury in Taurus, but orb is 10 degree, effect lika as Moon in Aries conjuct Venus in Aries also orb 10 degree, is these aspects real in my chart?


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