Tuesday, 19 June 2018
Monday, 18 June 2018
Venus in The Astrological Signs
Venus in Aries
When it comes to matters of love you prefer to conquer
rather than to be seduced. You enjoy the chase and a partner who you can never
quite entirely catch, as a partner who is boring will soon have you looking for
greener pastures. You look for friends who are get up and go types and enjoy
doing exciting things like you do. You expect to be the directive partner in
relationships and the one who drives the action in any partnerships, with
colleagues or with friends. You are a
natural when it comes to organising social events and getting people together.
You have the knack of bossing people around softly enough that they enjoy doing
what you ask them so nicely to do. You can be impatient when getting involved
in a new love interest as you like to go quicker than most but as its Venus you
will be polite and well-mannered about it. Venus in Aries has all the
initiative of Aries with the diplomacy and balance of Venus. Any position that
handles people and builds harmonious relationships will be part of the mix as
to earning or generating income.
Aries: Cardinal Fire – Actively seeks Action: Venus; in
relationships, pleasure and money.
Venus in Taurus
You approach love and friendship slowly and discerningly
because you prefer quality over quantity. You enjoy relationships that endure
and remain stable and will choose a partner not only because they are drop dead
gorgeous but also because they smell nice and are of the means to provide you
with the lifestyle you desire or are accustomed to. You are tactile and seek a partner who is as
touchy feely as you are. Sensuality and affection and the reciprocation from
your partner will be important considerations before you will say “I do” You
will love food with a gourmet palette and social functions that share food or
the food you have prepared. You have creative abilities in design and the
styling of all things that can be touched and seen. The ability to craft, make,
arrange or supply objects of beauty and or function will be in the mix of
earning or generating income. Manners are important to you and being polite is
the mainstay of your relationships. You avoid conflict or terse arrogant types
as you pretty much only want to engage with others in a pleasant exchange or
not at all.
Taurus: Fixed Earth – Persistently seeks the Material:
Venus; in relationships, pleasure and money.
Venus in Gemini
You do like to talk and you like people and lovers who talk
back. You seek friends who are light
hearted; enjoy a joke or some of your quick wit and like to exchange stories.
As there are two sides to the twins of the Zodiac you will have two distinctly
different sets of friends - one will have to do with the boring drudgery of life
as you see it and the other set will be fun and intellectually stimulating in
social settings. You are able to speak in a voice which is a pleasure to listen
to and you have creative writing skills or abilities in journalism or news
reporting. You do well in roles that report on and communicate about
relationships, socialising or monetary topics. You likely have played cupid for
some of your friends as you can always put people together and get them
talking, you may even unknowingly have introduced your partner to their next
partner. You have the ability to work a
crowd like a maestro conducts an orchestra – either to sell them something or
get them introduced or throw in a gem to get them talking or debating –
stimulating the conversation.
Gemini: Mutable Air – Flows with and seeks Ideas: Venus; in
relationships, pleasure and money.
Venus in Cancer
You are a talented and creative person who in matters of
love is caring and seeks a partner who likes to be as private as you do. You
take the lead in relationships in a caring and concerned manner, making people
feel comfortable and you have an excellent ability to listen to others and draw
them out of themselves. You are a person who lives and breathes creativity in
every part of life, whether it’s a project your busy on or the ability to come
up with a creative solution – you are happiest when you’re bringing life to
others or to babies or to objects or to breeding animals, sprucing up the car
on the weekend or fixing one of the kids toys. You enjoying and gain pleasure
from helping others, mothering your friends, nurturing your partner/spouse and
kids love you. In matters of money you will always be careful to manage your
nest egg so as to ensure that your needs and the needs of your family will
always be met. You will be a good saver and will manage the family budget in
any relationship. Any positions that require interviewing or face to face
meetings to gather information assist with forms or provide assistance/care to
others will be part of the mix as to earning income.
Cancer: Cardinal Water – Actively seeks Emotions: Venus; in
relationships, pleasure and money.
Venus in Leo
In matters of love you seek to find your King or Queen so as
to build your kingdom of friends, lovers and dynasty. When you fall in love you
do it in style and you want the whole world to know about it. You will be
attracted to others who can get past the showy stuff and see your heart for who
you really are. When that connection is made you fall for them hook line and
sinker. You will put more time into those who show you loyalty and those who listen
more than speak as you do like an audience. Your creativity lies in your
performance abilities and the pleasure you feel when in the spotlight. You
enjoy being noticed and will attire yourself in such a way so as to attract
attention and receive those welcome compliments you enjoy. You enjoy
socialising and meeting up with friends, you do not enjoy your own company as
much as the company of others. You don’t like being alone and ought to always
live with others. Living alone is not compatible with your nature unless it’s
in the 12th House or conjunct Uranus. You can be selfish at times;
more so in your youth than your maturity as you learn to balance your self-serving
needs with the needs of others. Any positions that involve leadership and you
being noticed and revered will be part of the mix as to earning income.
Leo: Fixed Fire – Persistently seeks Action: Venus; in
relationships, pleasure and money.
Venus in Virgo
You love to do things for others to show them that you love
them. You do this because it makes you feel happy – it looks like you make
others happy by doing this but the motivation is really all about you and what
gives you pleasure. Your critical voice and eye for detail is where your
creative abilities lie and will be part of the mix as to earning income.
Overthinking yourself into a state of anxiety and worry can occur when your
overly critical voice is set against yourself or your friends or your
partner/spouse. Issues with relationships will set you off by a loss of appetite
or binge eating. Hobbies that involve lots of little bits being formed into a
whole with much detail can assist your mind to settle and gain clarity as to
your relationships with others. Making and crafting with others, for others or
showing them how to will give you pleasure as will any puzzle solving
activities. Learning to see the big picture in relationships rather than being
stuck in the details with the nose to the grindstone just living one thing
after another can lead to ruts and a loss of the romance of marriage. Date
nights and taking time out from all the work regularly will aid in the big
picture of your marriage. You find it hard to ask for help from others and like
to do everything yourself and for others. Outer planet transits to Venus will
cause you to ask for help and get it.
Virgo: Mutable Earth – Flows with and seeks The Material:
Venus; in relationships, pleasure and money.
Venus in Libra
You are charming, attractive and nice to people. You have
the ability to form friendships and create social groups with the flair and
grace of the natural host. You form relationships with others with ease and
have the knack of gathering contacts at a bus stop or in a supermarket line. You like people who are polite and not rough
around the edges. You avoid conflict, arguments or disagreements because you
just don’t like them, don’t do them and don’t want to be involved in them. You
can dress yourself or a room with style that others just melt over. Your creative
abilities lie in how you present yourself so perfectly groomed, in lovely colours
and come across to others as pleasing on the eyes. You have an eye for all that
is aesthetic and pleasing and this will be part of the mix as to how you earn
an income. You also have abilities to mediate and/or negotiate with and on
behalf of others. You are the perfect diplomat approaching others with balance
and perspective. You also seek perfection in your love
relationship and may constantly think that your perfect partner is yet to come –
your happiness and peace of mind lay in the acceptance that you are in the
perfect relationship for you at this time in your life.
Libra: Cardinal Air – Actively seeks Ideas: Venus;
in relationships, pleasure and money.
Venus in Scorpio
Seriously! You are serious when it comes to matters of love
and friendship. You’re not the second chance type and if in the rare moment that
you do give them a second chance – that’s definitely an indication that you
love them an awful lot! Love without passion is devoid of the depth you seek
when forming love relations and trustworthiness is essential to form any
friendship, alliance or colleague relationship. You are sensitive to the
undercurrents that go on in personal relationships and generally can sniff
bullshit from forty feet! You will not tolerate fools and you will not allow yourself
to lose control. When you form the bonds of love and commit to a spouse you
really do play for keeps and the honour of your vows and theirs as it makes you
feel content and safe being “off the market”. Intimacy in your love
relationship is very important to you so as to fulfil your needs and a sexless marriage
is the beginning of the end of that relationship. Your circle of friends will
be built on years of friendship as you keep the few who you trust implicitly
and have foundations of proven care and loyalty with. You are intense when relating
to others and any positions that relates to others in intense and sensitive
ways will be part of the mix as to earning income. You keep your financial affairs to yourself –
it’s no one else’s business!
Scorpio: Fixed Water – Persistently seeks Emotions: Venus;
in relationships, pleasure and money.
Venus in Sagittarius
If it’s not fun for you with others you won’t turn up! You
seek excitement and fun experiences with friends as you do with whoever you
fall in love with. If it’s boring you’re out of there! You seek stimulating and
interesting pastimes or pleasures and you have the ability to relate to people
from all walks of life, demographic or socio economic group. Travel or airports
could be your middle name, you love having your pass port stamped on the way to
another life enriching adventure with your spouse and best friend. You also
have a knack of being able to show others how to do things or find things or you’re
the one who knows the person they need. You love to get out and about and meet
others anywhere, any time or in any city so it’s not surprising that you know
so many people. You’re not the stay at home type at all, that’s no adventure, that’s
no fun; engaging with others and letting the day take you where it ends up is
much more to your liking. Any positions that give you this freedom will suit
you and be part of the mix as to earning income. You love learning and enjoy having
friends who have interesting pursuits and knowledge. You don’t just make
friends – you want to understand them and understand love and everything about
your spouse. You are compelled to learn more about yourself and your partner so
as to have a pleasurable and loving relationship.
Sagittarius: Mutable Fire – Flows with the Action: Venus; in
relationships, pleasure and money.
Venus in Capricorn
You are the salt of the earth, you always do what you say
will for others and you can be relied on and trusted to always come through. You
do have trouble saying no to others for fear of being rejected or un-liked. You
are also far too hard on yourself in personal relationships which can hold you
back from fully expressing all of what you feel, fear and love. You form friendships
slowly as you build trust, you also fall in love with some coaxing and
convincing that they do mean what they say when they say they love you. You
also hold yourself back in social settings until you have assessed the norms, etiquette,
rules, guidelines or protocols. Once those are established you will drop some of
your guard and loosen up a bit, then you will start enjoying yourself. It doesn’t
take much to impress you, as you appreciate the simpler and more practical
activities with others and you prefer sustainable relationships and friendships
as you are generally in there for the long haul with the few people you hold
close and dear to you. You also tend to attire yourself in tones and colours
that don’t stand out too much and would be the utter opposite of flashy or
showy. You prefer to blend in rather than stand out. You are good with the
money you get and your ability to manage and budget your financial affairs is
outstanding. Frugal would be harsh but how else will you get there? Any
positions requiring the management and or withholding of funds will be part of
the mix as to earning an income.
Capricorn: Cardinal Earth – Actively seeks the Material;
Venus; in relationships, pleasure and money.
Venus in Aquarius
Your friends are everything to you even to the detriment of
your actual family as you believe in a connection to all human souls and you
relish in getting out there like the social butterfly you are and enjoying the
rich and varied human landscape with a chance to mingle. You are a strong
advocate for the individual and their rights when it comes to relationships and
you will know people of all genders, sexuality and partnership types. You will
seek friendships on the fringes with people who aren’t necessarily considered
the majority or the have the capacity to represent themselves. Any positions
that stand up for the rights of others will be part of the mix as to earning
income. When it comes to love you need a friend first and a lover second, you
also need some room to move as anyone who attempts to stifle your freedom won’t
last long. You don’t mind doing things alone and you have a friend for every mood.
You can be inconsistent with who your spending time with and at times you can
be distracted and not plugged in to the person you are in the company of. As
you can be caught up with thinking and visualising things in your head you can
also be oblivious to the feelings going on with others. There will be lessens
about feelings in love relationships and being plugged in and less dismissive of
people’s feelings whilst you posit another intellectual perspective instead.
Love for you is a meeting of minds as much as it is a meeting of hearts. A meeting
of world and humanitarian views all form your needs being met in a love union. You
manage money in unusual ways or earn it by unusual or irregular means.
Aquarius: Fixed Air - Persistently seeks Ideas: Venus; in
relationships, pleasure and money.
Venus in Pisces
You are romantic; soft lights, a candle, the mood is set,
the music has been selected and you hope to merge blissfully after dinner into
the arms of your true one. Love is your faith and faith is your love, your
partner is your soulmate and you would feel empty without them. You choose kind
and caring friends who are as sensitive as you are, as compassionate as you are
and above all have a respect for the humanness and fragility in all of us. You
have the sensitive ability with others to just sense what is going on for them,
you don’t need language to read others you just feel it, know it, you just can.
A gesture, a look, a vibe, an energy flow you’re picking up on – you may even
have trouble describing it with language and may need to use a picture, a sound,
some music or a poem to get it across. Yours is the ethereal zone beyond what
is logical or seen, your empathy extends to all humanity and beyond into the
world of sprit. There will be lessons of having to discern more and protect
yourself with boundaries and lines of demarcation so as to not be so vulnerable
or gullible. Any positions that care for others or sacrifice self interest in
relationships will be part of the mix as to earning income. You will enjoy
socialising in small parties in private, natural and picturesque places. You
love nature and gain much pleasure form gardens, parks and waterside areas. You
tend towards worship and finding your way to commune with the spirit within and
without will give you a sense of harmony and balance. You can lack financial acuity
as you let it slip through your fingers in the pursuit of pleasure.
Pisces – Mutable Water: Flows with Emotions: Venus; in
relationships, pleasure and money.
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
The Moon in the Houses
Moon on The Ascendant
A Planet on an Angle is a strong statement in the Natal
Chart. The Ascendant is intuition and the Moon is intuition - making this
placement very sensitive to everything going on around them. The Ascendant is
where we wear a mask and wear our clothes. The Moon is our most personal;
feelings and emotions and a somewhat private energy. When the Moon is on the
Ascendant, the emotional self is difficult to hide from others. This is not a
favourable position for a poker player because this placement will wear their
feelings in their faces. They will appear to others as a compassionate caring
person who can be quite moody. Other people are drawn to Moon on the Ascendant
as they feel safe and nurtured in their presence; perfect strangers will open
up to the Moon on The Ascendant person. Their ability to make others feel comfortable
is outstanding. As The Ascendant is an axis the opposite side is the
Descendant. The Moon is also opposite the Descendant which relates to
significant others, partnerships and marriage. They will project these
qualities onto those relationships and therefore seek out people who are
caring, nurturing, compassionate and moody. The Descendant is sensation – they
will look to others to experience emotional situations with and they will seek out
emotionally competent close relationships.
The Moon in The First House
The Sign of the Ascendant is the cusp of The First House.
Therefore this House is an Angular House; “to be”. The First House is all about
the self, the wants, needs, demands and focus are self-involved and
self-motivated, the ‘me’ in ‘me first’ is found in the First House and to some
extent in the Fifth House. The Moon in the First House focuses the emotions and
feeling in the self. Their feelings come first, they love themselves before
others, their memories are focused on their experiences – if it wasn’t about
them they don’t remember! The Mother is a prominent figure in the person’s life
that is seen as quite directive and straightforward. The Moon rules Women and
issues relating to women and regardless of the gender of the chart there is
receptivity to the roles of women in their lives. It also indicates a keen
intuitive ability as the person is sensitive to the vibe going on around them,
they have an ability to read the emotional landscape in their immediate
vicinity. It may not hit them immediately but as the processing of feeling
occurs; it will dawn on them exactly what went down and what’s going on. This
is not a language process; it is not articulated by the mind, it is a sense,
like a flavour mixing in fluid. They are often found in caring or community
The Moon in The Second House
The Second House is a Succedent House; “to use”. It is
your body which is your first possession. The Second House is all about what is
mine – my body, my possessions, my objects, my money and my values/beliefs. As
most of us no longer live in hunter gatherer tribes and we require money to buy
food and shelter, money is Second House because it is attached to the
sustainability and protection of our bodies. The Second House is also concerned
with sentimentality and the traditions that formed the values and beliefs that
are held. The person will be more open to the conservative values of the
mother. This is a position where emotions are invested in objects, furniture
and possessions relating to deeply held feelings, the mother or mothers line of
the family. This can make for a dealer in olden wares and antiques or equally a
hoarder of everything imaginable. Emotional imbalance can lead to the
squandering of money, retail therapy, refusing to give up objects and the
wilful destruction of objects attached to ill feeling and emotional pain. Binge
eating can be found here as can be fine dining and opulence depending on the
emotional condition of the person. Feeling good is attached to food, luxury and
the manifestation of actual things that can be touched and seen. Saving for a
rainy day is the Moon in the Second; they will do what is needed to secure the
safety and protection of their domicile. They will also consider their monetary
affairs to be private and are likely to be wealthier than they portray
themselves to be. They are unlikely to reveal to anyone any financial problems
or lack of cash flow; it will be managed quietly and out of the sight of
others. If you are dating a Moon in the Second it’s the old flowers and
chocolates routine and a bit of old fashioned courting. Even a Fire Moon will
be slowed down in The Second House. In matters of intimacy this is a sensual
tactile slow moving position for the Moon which is passive in ‘position’ and
prefers to receive than to lead.
The Moon in The Third House
The Third House is a Cadent House; “to understand”. It is
all about thinking, talking and moving around that which is local and familiar.
The Moon in this position is emotionally affected by whatever is going on
around their local neighbourhood. They will be plugged in to what is going on
and feel a connection to locals and neighbours. They are also emotionally in
tune with siblings and are keenly intuitive about what is going on for close
familiar relatives. This position of the Moon needs to talk about their feelings
and to analyse their feelings as to why they are feeling the way they are
feeling. They can also become quite restless when facing ill feelings or
emotional imbalance. Walking can assist them to sort out how they feel and it
will cause fatigue so they can sleep, rather than lie awake all night worrying
about the emotional situation. They will also go on long drives, train or bus
trips to sort through their emotions or just because it makes them feel good to
travel around their town. The intuitive Moon has the ability in this position
to read the nonverbal communication of others – the body language, the
gestures, the look on their face, the vibe they put out and they have the
ability to read the language used; through an extraordinary auditory
interpreter. It’s almost as if they can hear the spaces between the words and
the pauses have as much if not more to say than the language chosen. Intense or strong emotions can cause this
position to gag the tongue, making it difficult to near impossible to
articulate or communicate at all. The person may just cry and babble making no
sense at all as they are so overwhelmed by emotion equally they have the
ability to express emotion and empathy through the voice and can make brilliant
speeches as they can touch and connect with their audience. If the Moon in the
Third understands the why behind the feeling – they feel good. Where no
understanding can be reached they have trouble letting the feeling go.
The Moon on The IC
The IC is The Nadir of The Chart; it is The Midnight
position in The Natal Chart. It is not seen, it is hidden from the view of
others, unless those others are in your Family or very close circle. It is
where we are all private; The IC represents our homes and our families. It is
the bloodline, gene pool and heritage of the family line. The Sign on The IC
will describe one layer in The Family Story, when a planet is on The IC; the Family
Story picks up a bit, as the Planet becomes another player in the layers of the
Family Story. The Moon is emotions and feelings; it is also the Mother and the
Women of the Family in this position. It is a strong indication that the person
hails from the matriarchal line of the family. It is a strong position of a
caring nurturing creative person who loves being at home. They are not looking
for any recognition from the outside world only the acknowledgement from their
family and loved ones. As The IC is opposite The MC as it is an axis – the Moon
is denoted as being Moon opposite MC. The opposition is the energy of creative/
created conflict that causes action to be taken that is not entirely
comfortable. The MC is the most public position of The Natal Chart; it is often
associated with career. When The Moon opposes the MC – the person is known for
being a caring person, a sensitive and compassionate person – the conflict
arises because they do not want to be publicly fussed over, they prefer to be
private. Some days they really do not want to leave the house – working from
home or at home will often suit them better; even working in other people’s
homes would be preferential to the same old office every day. The Moon is
changeable and wants variety.
Note: The Moon can be conjunct the IC from The Third
House or it can be conjunct from The Fourth House. It is conjunct the IC and
opposite the MC. The difference is for the Third House as it focuses the energy
through siblings, close and familiar relatives, communication and mobility. The
Moon in The Fourth will be the stronger statement as relating to the expression
of the Moon through the family and home.
The Moon in The Fourth House
The Sign of the IC is the cusp of The Fourth House.
Therefore this House is an Angular House; “to be”. The Moon is where we find
comfort for ourselves in the chart and tend to our emotional needs. Here The
Moon is most comfortable nestled in the bosom of mother and family in the home.
There is a deep emotional attachment to the family home and to the family’s
homeland and cultural base. There will be a preference for living with women or
in a communal to highly interactive community. There is a strong need to create
the sense of family, that being biological or otherwise. This is also a highly
intuitive position for the Moon – the ability to sense what is going on without
language is strong. Don’t be surprised when this position of the Moon is one
step ahead of you. There is a love of family functions, events and gatherings
or the coming together of a close knit community. They will also enjoy private
club activities as they love to feel that they are part of something, again
part of a family. The Sign will shed light on the details of the type of
interests that may grab them. A home that does not feel right is not the home
of a MOON in the Fourth House, they must, must, feel secure, safe and protected
at home. It is their shell; never underestimate just how private these people
are! They will deflect any attempts of poking a nose in where it wasn’t
invited, they will not take kindly to unannounced or uninvited visitors, they
will covert and collect those who fit their emotional disposition and anyone
else is not welcome. They will suffer the social norms required of them but
their true feelings will be safely tucked away in the background where no one
can see them.
The Moon in The Fifth House
The Fifth House is a Succedent House; “to use”. The Fifth
House is concerned with the self, with fun and recreation, games and
speculation, it is children and the inner child and it’s the spark of love
between lovers. When the Moon is in the Fifth they enjoy socialising and mixing
with others, they have an emotional attachment to children and strong feelings
about the lives of children. They will gain enormous satisfaction and pride
from being a parent. Even as a non-parent they will associate and contribute to
the improvement of children’s lives. There is an innate need to protect and
nurture young lives. The Moons intuitive energy in this House has a keen
ability to tune into trends speculatively with success. The Moon in The Fifth
is a team player in many respects here the Moon wants to belong to a creative
team, a sports team, a social club, a mothers group, the committee at school or
on the board of a community organisation aiding children and parents with the
focus on the children. As the Fifth is
the House of Lovers, the Moon here seeks to love and to be loved. This is not a
position of commitment or long term relationships, it is the sensation and
feeling of being in love, it represents the first spark of love between people
or for some it is a lust train for life. To assess the commitment and long term
relationship pursuits – the entire Natal Chart requires assessment. This
description is in pure terms and is not considering any compromising aspects
from other planets. Some of the most ardent sports fans are found with Fifth
House planets – the Moon adds an emotional flavour and the feeling of belonging
to a family of fans and spectators. There is a great deal of creativity
associated to The Moon in the Fifth as The Moon is The Divine Mother and the
Creator of life and the Fifth House is the spark of creative light from the Sun
– the natural ruler of the fifth. Creative pursuits provide an outlet for
emotional expression and the act of creation provides good feelings and
contentment – a return to centre. Creativity improves self-confidence and
Note: The Moon is our habits. In the Fifth beware of the
habits you create for yourself as they will be hard to break. The other warning
re the Moon in the fifth is re Gambling and the need of The Moon to belong. If
the Moon is debilitated by a compromising of the energy from an outer planet –
that loneliness can translate to sitting in a hotel mindlessly playing poker
machines, slot machines or the blackjack table at the local Casino. Equally a
well aspected Moon in the fifth can have some talent in this area; as the local
Bingo Champion, Bridge Player or Card Reader.
The Moon in The Sixth House
The Sixth House is a Cadent House; “to understand”. The
Sixth House is about your health and wellbeing, it’s your daily routine and often
where we all earn a living. The Moon in The Sixth House means that your health
and wellbeing are entwined and attached to your feelings, emotional world and
habits. If you don’t feel right you are likely going to be unwell physically
somehow. The Sixth House is where we find health food and eating healthy
nutritional food is important for all sixth house planets but critical for the
Moon in The Sixth. Binging on junk food for this placement means they are not
feeling good and something is affecting their emotional balance. This is
followed by feeling physically sick because bad food makes them feel bad. The
Moon here will fall over one lesson after another re their food sensitivities
until they understand what is going on, they are forced to analyse it and make
the changes to the diet that their body requires. The sixth is also about
service to others; as it is by serving others that the self is served with this
placement. The Moon cares for others and is a nurturer on a daily level; they
are often employed in areas where they are providing a service to others. Routines
and stable daily activities and schedules provide a sense of emotional comfort
to this Moon placement. The Moon is changeable and adaptive and you can be sure
that this placement has a backup plan that has worked before. As the Moon is Mothers
and Women the sixth house Moon will have daily interactions and contact with
them, the Moon here will seek relationships that have regular contact and
updates as to what’s going on for them. There is an ability to micro manage
anything and a preference for working behind the scenes in private with some
contact when required but will shun the spot light position. The Sixth is also
about small animals and pets – the Moon here has an emotional connection to
these animals. They will be pet owners, could work with pets or in animal
rescue, the unconditional love of a pet fulfils so many emotional needs of a
sixth house Moon they will benefit enormously from the love of a pet.
The Moon on The Descendant
The Descendant is part of the Axis which represents The
Horizon in The Natal Chart. The opposite side of this Axis is The Ascendant.
The Ascendant is representative of Sun Rise in The Natal Chart and The
Descendant is representative of Sun Set in The Natal Chart. The Descendant is
the first place in the Houses that we meet others. When the Moon is on The
Descendant the person is emotionally connected to others, they will seek close
relationships and friendships that are fluid and feeling orientated. There will
be emotional investments in others which satisfies their need to connect with
significant relationships in a meaningful and loving way. There is a strong
need to be in a partnership or significant friendship with the Moon on this angle.
There will be a tendency to be attracted to people who need to be looked after,
mothered or nurtured. They will seek out the needy in relationships. They will
form relationships based entirely on the vibe, the feeling, the click,
the flow and the intuition. It is the type of position that would believe in
love at first sight. As the Moon is opposite the Ascendant they will also
project a certain level of neediness in their persona, equally they will
project a caring compassionate nature onto those around their immediate
The Moon in The Seventh House
The Sign on The Descendant is the cusp of The Seventh
House. Therefore this House is an Angular House; “to be”. The Seventh House is
your close circle of friends and your spousal relationship aspirations. The
Moon here describes a person who is motivated to show their care and concern
for others, especially for those who are closest to them. The emotional
disposition is connected to significant relationships, partnerships and
marriages. The best friend or the spouse is the emotional barometer of this
position. If everything is rosy with their friends and spouse, all is well, on
the other hand if either of these relationships becomes rocky the moodiness and
changeability of the Moon is harnessed into a downhill emotional low. The Moon
is moody for everyone somewhere in the chart, in the seventh the moods are very
much affected by the state of affairs in their closest relationship. Emotional
balance is felt when the feelings of love in their relationship are harmonious
and they feel connected to their partner. This is not a position that will
suffer a shell of a marriage to keep up appearances, if they do, do this, they
will end up depressed or have a break down. The Moon is intuitive and
interprets nonverbal signals therefore in the seventh they apply this talent to
their spouse, business partners/ associates and close friendships which means
trying to hide how you’re feeling from them is futile. You might get away with
it in the short term but like rising damp the Moon will pick up on it and that
will be the beginning of the end of that relationship. How it feels when they
are with you is absolutely everything to this position of the Moon, if they
don’t feel right with you they will not be with you. They want a partner who is
as caring as they are someone who is also compassionate and has emotional
empathy for others, they need someone who they feel safe with and protected by,
they are not attracted to emotionally remote people who lack any care or
concern for others. It’s all about the love and the connectedness with this
position of The Moon.
The Moon in The Eighth House
The Eighth House is a Succedent House; “to use”. The
Eighth House is all the other people that are not in your close circle and
family. The Moon in this position has the ability to tune into anybody’s
feelings and emotions. They also have the ability to sense trends and fads in
the collective of the population. The intuitive ability of the Moon here can
feel when things are appealing to other people; the emotional barometer is set on
the feelings and emotions of others. Like the 12th House Moon this
position will encounter issues discerning whose feelings are actually going on
in a situation. There will be a need to establish emotional boundaries for
emotional self-protection. There is the capacity for this Moon to face and
handle some of the more intense and torrid emotions of others, as they have
been there and they get it! To say that these people have been to hell and back
with others and within themselves for some would be the understatement of our
current century! These are the amazing people that can tune into the emotional
pain of others, meet them face to face, then hold out their hand and walk them
out of their pain and suffering. The Moon here is quite happy to change their
feeling about someone based on their gut feelings and their ability to read
what is not being spoken. The Moon senses on a nonverbal level, here it can
sense some of the more hidden of hidden feelings, the ability to uncover that
which is hidden here is remarkable. It will just come to them, they feel it
they don’t think it, some may not even be able to articulate how they know but
they do know and they are often spot on. Emotional imbalance will cause them to
second guess their gut which will fail and until they bid Persephone a farewell
with thanks they will not return to balance from the underworld of their
emotional state. This position of The Moon will not suffer a sexless marriage
as it is a position that must connect on a sexual level with the person they
love. The sexual connection is deep, passionate and binding. Commit adultery to
this position and you might as well go to the court and file the papers for
divorce yourself! & NO! They will not speak to you again when they find
out! This is the position of the Moon that takes the ‘till death do we part’
section of the vows very seriously!
The Moon in The Ninth House
The Ninth House is a Cadent House; “to understand”. The
Ninth House is the seeking and gaining of knowledge and the understanding of
that knowledge. Here the Moon seeks emotional comfort from understanding by way
of books, study and a philosophical or spiritual/religious framework. This
position of the Moon wants to know the why behind a feeling, they want to pull
the emotions apart and try to find out what is behind them. They do this as a
process to work through their feelings and to learn so they do not have to go
through it again. This is a ‘learnt it the first time’ position emotionally. They can work in areas such as psychology
& counselling as they are adept in helping others sort through such
processes. There is an innate drive in this position to share the feelings and
any techniques of dealing with the feelings and emotions so as to grow and
develop. Emotional satisfaction will be felt through teaching, instructing,
training, nurturing or mentoring others. They will also want to connect with
the greater world and all of its cultures through experiences which will compel
them to travel the world. There will be a connection to the Goddess of cultures
and the icons and rituals of women will appeal to them. The mother’s academic
levels will influence the child with this placement. The intuitive Moon here
can follow a hunch, a clue, or a fragment and come up with a result as to the
where, why and the best solution for everyone to restore harmony. There can be
issues for this Moon at times because feelings are not rational and words are
useless but they also have the capacity to sense when this is the case and will
likely fall back on a story, a Greek myth or archetype to process the emotion
through the moral of the story. The Moon in the Ninth will always fall on their
feet emotionally where others would fail to extricate themselves from
emotionally difficult circumstance the Moon in The Ninth will sail through it.
They can do this because they learn from situations and move on or they book
airline tickets and they are gone for the summer. They avoid heavy emotional
situations they really do prefer light and breezy.
The Moon on The MC
The MC is an important point in The Natal Chart. It
represents The Meridian and forms part of The Cross of Matter. The Ascendant
Descendant Axis is the other part of The Cross of Matter. It is The Cross of
Matter that represents our incarnation upon the earth at birth. The Symbol for
the Earth is The Cross inside The Circle; which is the Cross of Matter on The
Natal Chart. The MC is the life direction and purpose of the Chart; it is the
highest point in the Chart and therefore the most public place in the chart.
Planets on The MC stand out and are noticed by everyone. When the Moon is on
the MC there is an ability to connect with the public in an appealing sensitive
and emotionally connected manner. The MC has long been associated with career
which it is but it is the aspiration and the reputation that is described by
the MC. Moon on the MC will be attracted to careers that involve people and
community orientated vocations. Care Giving, Nursing, Women, Children and
Parental Services are all realms of The Moon. Breeding pets/livestock, plants/ propagation,
land management and farming are also lunar themes. The Moon is also opposite
The IC/ Nadir of The Chart which is a conflict between the demands of the home
and family verses the demands of the career that takes us away from the home.
Moon on The MC would benefit from a balance between the public and private
life. Working more from home/ in private than at the employer’s workplace would
suit them best. The Women’s line of the family and the intuition are linked
when The Moon is on this Axis.
The Moon in The Tenth House
The Sign on The MC is the cusp of The Tenth House.
Therefore this House is an Angular House; “to be”. As the Tenth House is before
the Meridian Planets in the Tenth House are not as high as those on the
Meridian/MC. Planets in The Tenth House do stand out and are seen as The Tenth
House is the most public house; it is associated with being out there, being seen
and being noticed. The Tenth House is where we aspire to achieve our career and
work aims. The Moon in The Tenth House will be seen as, and have a reputation
for being a caring sensitive compassionate person. As the Moon is a private
energy and here it’s in a public position they will not be doing what they are
doing to be noticed, they likely feel a bit uncomfortable about it but over
time they will just accept that they get noticed by others for all the efforts
they go to, to help others feel comfortable. They will love to spend time with
people out and about. The Moon wants to belong and here they want to belong to
a social group of some sort as The Moon in The Tenth Loves Company, it makes
them feel loved, protected and secure. They will do well in service industries
and tending to the needs of the employees, workforce, group, community organisation
or a client group. This position of the Moon would do well in Human Resource
Management, Recruitment Services, Real Estate, Childcare and Community
Services. The emotions and feelings are connected to social status and the
fulfilment of goals. This position feels emotional balance when they are in
charge of situations or given the autonomy to work in private or without direct
supervision. Emotional imbalance or ill feelings can cause a pulling back from
public life to the point of not leaving the house, the abandonment of life aims
and the seeming loss of capacity to fulfil the expectations of others. The
Emotions can feel overwhelmed in Public places if they do not feel comfortable,
as The Moon is intuitive and sensitive these warning signals ought be listened
to and acted upon so as to feel safe and to maintain your emotional wellbeing. Our
feelings not only nurture us, comfort us, give us sensations of love but they
protect us and the Moon in an angular House does this most ardently. In the
Tenth it protects others primarily but it does this so as to protect the emotional
investment of the self. This is The Axis in action.
The Moon in The Eleventh
The Eleventh House is a Succedent House; “to use”. The
Eleventh House is groups of people, friendships, social networks, hopes and
dreams. When the Moon is in The Eleventh the emotional disposition is connected
to friends and the overall feelings going on in the groups they are involved in.
The American Sitcom “Friends” is such a Moon in The Eleventh Series of Seasons.
The Moon in The Eleventh is the emotional barometer of the group; they can sense
the mood of the group and can be the one who puts voice to what is going on.
This can lead to discussion, analysis and problem solving the situation or it
can lead to The Moon person being scapegoated, outed as a whistle blower and
ostracised until the truth comes out and they are eventually vindicated. There
can be a wide variety of friends and groups of people that the Moon associates
with in this position – a group or a friend for every mood. The Moon is
changeable and in this Air House it likes variety and it can ‘work’ a crowd
like a conductor conducts the orchestra. The ability to tune into the tone in
the room in a warm and engaging manner is a talent of The Moon in The Eleventh.
They will also be very emotionally connected to making their dreams come true,
bringing about their hopes and fulfilling their desires. The type of partner
they seek will be a friend first as companionship is as important as good sex
to this position. They marry their best friend and they have other best friends
that they would never sleep with in an intimate manner. This position is
concerned with issues that relate to The Sisterhood and Brotherhood of Humanity
and they will find satisfaction and good feelings from feeling part of any
group who are trying to make the world a better place to live in. There is a
core sense to The Moon in The Eleventh that all humans need to care about each
other – the duty of care towards others is not only entrenched in law it is
entrenched in The Eleventh House Moon. Unlike the duty of care found in the
Tenth House Moon which is very much about the law behind the duty, The Eleventh
House Moon is more about the responsibility of being a caring human towards
other human’s part of the duty of care. The Eleventh House Moon does not need a
law to compel them to care for others it’s instinctual to them.
The Moon in The Twelfth House
The Twelfth House is a Cadent House; “to understand”. The Twelfth House is considered the most
hidden part of the chart. I would put it as the second most hidden part of the
chart. The Fourth house is the most hidden from view in the sense of privacy
and being tucked away behind closed doors. The Fourth House relates to the
self-whilst the Twelfth House is above The Horizon and therefore is concerned
with others. Planets in the Twelfth may not even be seen when you are in the
person’s home. They are hidden from view. When The Moon is in the Twelfth the
emotional disposition is hidden from others yet it is tied to the feelings and
issues of others. As the energy of the Twelfth House wants to merge and become
at one with others, with spirit, with God, with Nature or by arriving at the
end of a bottle of Scotch there is an innate sense to this position that
nothing is separate from anything else. This can make it difficult to discern
where all those feelings, impressions and emotions are coming from. They can
feel overwhelmed by the emotional temperament of the collective. The Twelfth
House rules the collective unconscious and the Moon is intuitive and has the
ability to tap into the trends, fads, issues, concerns of the greater
population of the Nation, World or Universe. Some will have very keen
intuitive, perceptive and highly tuned sensory abilities. This comes with
blessings on the one hand and difficulties on the other. There will be a need
to establish emotional boundaries so as to protect the self from the onslaught
of the feelings of others bombarding their mood and emotional balance. This is
often why they shut themselves away from other people and have a strong preference
for spending time alone. Once they can establish boundaries that work like the
force fields of space crafts in science fiction they will deal with crowds and
social functions without feeling completely drained by the time they get home. Spiritual
practices, religious beliefs, talismans and good luck charms may all be
effective for this Moon to feel protected and create the boundaries they need
for their own emotional health and wellbeing.
Monday, 11 June 2018
Venus In The Houses
Venus in The First House
The love of self and everything to do with who you are and
showing that to others. You always present yourself well and make the most of
what you have got so as to be as attractive as you possibly can be. You are a well presented stylish person with
manners, charm and a diplomatic nature. You have a love of fashion, stylish
objects and well-designed surroundings. You have a preference for an easy life
that does not require too much effort on your part. Surrounding oneself with
friends, socialising and meeting up with others and forming relationships with
others that serve your own self-interests. Pleasure is found by attracting
attention and being complimented by others. You have the ability to turn heads
walking down the street. You always check in the mirror before leaving the
house so as to ensure you are neat, tidy and well-groomed and nothing is out of
place. The self is defined by and through your relationships and friendships. There
is a keen eye for design and craftsmanship and the ability to make anything
look nice due to your stylish aesthetic. You pride yourself on your manners and enjoy
being polite to others. You have a natural willingness to co-operate with
people and get the best experiences when relating to others who are around you.
You avoid conflict or people you
consider just plain rude or inconsiderate and most times you have no interest,
patience or the energy it takes to bother dealing with it, so you excuse
yourself in the nicest way possible and delete them from your contacts.
Venus in The Second House
You have the ability to craft and make beautiful well
designed objects. You love, love, love food, the preparation of food and social
functions to share and eat food with friends. Pleasure is found in all that is old and
antique, collectable or objects that hold value in sentiment or money. The
adept ability to accrue money, attract money and ensure that you have the money
for your needs. Value is put on traditions and old fashioned approaches to
relationships. Relationships and love interests are formed slowly in order to
form solid and enduring married partnerships. You will prefer marriage with the
ceremony rather than de facto relationships that lack security and surety. You take time to engage and form relationships
and look for others who align with your values and beliefs. You prefer to be
around people who are polite, well-mannered and highly attractive. Establishing relationships based on how
pleasant a person is and with people who are easy to get along with. There is
an avoidance of people who are untidy, rude or disagreeable. Venus in the
second house people will simply withdraw quietly from situations that don’t feel
nice or don’t give pleasure. The belief is held that the fight isn’t worth it
and diplomacy wins out in the end. There is a tendency to judge in silence and
withdraw contact without explanation. Your body is your temple and keeping it
in shape is important to you so as to feel and look attractive, fit and toned
in the muscles. Crafting the body through fitness or cosmetic surgery or diet –
whichever method is pursued it’s all about the body being as beautiful as you
can make it with resources you have.
Venus in The Third House
There is a love of talking and chatting and communicating
and texting and posting and the love of your siblings and close relatives. You enjoy
socialising in the neighbourhood, being friendly with neighbours and forming
relationships in the local community. You have talent in sales and commerce
with ability to build relationships, network and come up with clever ideas to
sell inventory. You have skilful hands and creative abilities that are
dextrous, adaptable and solution orientated. You form friendships that feel
like brothers or sisters and you love spending time and having contact with
your actual siblings. There is an ability to reflect body language back to
others and create comfortable vibes so as to have the most pleasant of
communications or exchange of information possible. You love to talk to people
and exchange ideas about love, relating, art, pleasure and your social life.
Your first port of call when forming friendships or interacting with friends is
to speak up with a topic to get everyone talking. You don’t like the silences
in conversation or gaps where the conversation seems to have run out. Listening
to others and learning when enough information has been shared is a balancing
act challenge for this placement. You love your car; you love driving around or
being driven around. You will admire luxury vehicles and likely want one but
this placement does not guarantee that it just describes the desire. Mobility
makes these people happy and if they are unhappy in a situation they are likely
to fidget, be restless and resist sitting still. If you do not drive a car you
will be the master of public transport and may even know your cab or Uber
drivers by name. You are an eloquent speaker, a negotiator, a mediator and have
the ability to build bridges in communications between others and on behalf of
others. Journalism or other writing pursuits with short content is where your some
of your creative skill lies.
Venus in The Fourth House
You love and take immense pride in your home and family. You
have creative flair and an eye for design which has the ability to style a room
like its being set up for a magazine shot. Your home is tidy and whilst you can
be lazy you know this so you will invest in energy saving modern appliances that
make housework as easy as possible. You enjoy entertaining at home with family
and close friends. You are an essentially private person and only invite people
into your home, if you have a significant relationship with them or you are
related by blood or marriage. You have a strong investment in your family line;
current and past relations define your values and need for connection to your
ancestry. You gain pleasure from the
history of your family line, family homes, family land and countries of origin
or the motherlands of your family. Home is the nicest place in the world to you,
you like being at home, you like to keep your close relationships and spousal
arrangements private and inside the home. Matters of family are kept within the
family and the financial position of the family is not discussed outside of the
home. You come from a wealthy and or comfortable home. You have been strongly
influenced by the families approach to finances, money management and balancing
the household budget. You are the person who manages the money in the home and
pays all the bills and keeps the home running smoothly. You are more inclined
to make friends and seek partners through introductions by family members,
friends and friends of friends or in a home environment. You will enjoy and
take pleasure from crafting and maker hobbies at home and have the ability to
derive income from this.
Venus in The Fifth House
You love yourself and the progeny of yourself. You like to
make friends with people who are like you. You see yourself as a lover not a
fighter and you also enjoy and take much pleasure from intimacy with your lover
or lovers. Pleasure is sought through self-indulgence and satisfying your own
needs. Seeking out and making friendships with creative people, artists,
musicians and crafts or trades people. There is a talent for speculation and accruing
money through speculation, taking entrepreneurial risks, playing the stock
market or in poker tournaments. Recreation is high on the agenda and you enjoy socialising
with friends who share your interests. This
position of Venus can make money from the child/youth sector, recreation and
sport or from lovers, sponsors, annuities, shares or gambling. You like to look
nice, you have a good sense of colour and flair as to how you style yourself. You like and attract compliments and are noticed
by others. You don’t mind a little bling and shiny things, being smartly
dressed, attired and accessorised is important to your confidence and ability
to attract lovers. You do not go out looking untidy or without a shower; your
personal grooming is immaculate and very important to your self-esteem. You
groom yourself so as to fit in and be noticed for all the right reasons and to
make the nicest and most cordial of impressions on others. You will also be
attracted to lovers and partners who are equally well groomed and who attend to
their personal hygiene the way you do. When you have children you will the feel
the most creative peak of your ability has been reached and raising your child is
one of the greatest pleasures you will experience.
Venus in The Sixth House
You enjoy and gain pleasure from having work to do, having a
job to go to every day and a routine that is predictable and set in stone. You
form relationships in the workplace that are pleasant and amenable to your
needs and will only work in a place that is nice to go to every day. You will
not suffer bullies in the work place – you would rather resign and find a job
where you will not be bullied. You have no trouble understanding that you get
money from working for it and from good relations with others. You have an
ability to create relationships, maintain relationships and network amongst people
so as to make an income. The lack of money or problems with money leads to
worry, anxiety and ill health if a solution is not found. You have a knack of
gaining work opportunities through friends, industry or professional networks
or by being friendly and pleasant. This position of Venus really does need to
enjoy what they do every day, so working in a job they love is paramount to their
health and well being. You will enjoy work that is creative, craft or trade
based, handles money, stylish objects or serves the relationships of others in
a mediating or negotiator role or positions that aid in maintaining health. There
is a high likelihood that this position of Venus meets their future spouse at work
or connected to work or connected to someone they work with. This position can
also tolerate if not love working with your spousal partner. You choose your
clothing and outfits to suit your day and the tasks at hand. There is an outfit
for every job and kitting up and wearing the correct clothing for the job aids
you in feeling like doing the job.
Venus in The Seventh House
Love and marriage is you’re everything on the path to
happiness, a good life and the fulfilment of your highest desire. You don’t like
being alone, single is a term that describes others; you prefer the company of
others over spending any time alone what so ever. Your partner is your rock for
feeling good about yourself and how you feel and enjoy pleasure. You enjoy the
company of your friends and can’t imagine life without them. You enjoy
socialising and having fun with those who are closest to you over and rather
than with anyone else. Going to a work function alone or anywhere else is
simply not something you will do or tolerate your partner doing. Its team
marriage or it’s not a marriage. Its couple central with these people and
associating with other couples, you won’t need to ask these people if they are
married or are involved and taken they will not be backward in coming forward
to assert it directly or indirectly. If Venus in this house is single you will
have an extensive network of friends and social contacts that you catch up with
and spend time with regularly. Marrying
into money or for money is not outside the realm of this placement. The
prospective marital partner will be assessed as to their financial ability to
contribute to the marriage so as to live an easy life. You know better than
anyone how the tide of love can move to hate in relationships if they breakdown
and this is where the open enemies of this house can play out in the most
dramatic ways. You will be adept at helping others to go through these torrid
times and if you befall such circumstance in your relationship – the bottom
will literally fall out of your world, until you pick yourself back up again
and go back on the market to find the next love of your life. You will bounce
back quicker than Venus placed in other houses because you don’t like being
Venus in The Eighth House
You will only be happy in a partnership that is full of love
and you get sex often. A sexless partnership is not a loving relationship in
your view nor does it align to your needs in a marriage. It is essential to your
whole sense of relating that you are able to make and get in return a full mind
body and soul connection to your partner. Dalliances and one night stands are
not the territory of this placement of Venus, you are monogamous and absolutely
against any adulterous behaviour. If
your partner or spouse breaks the vows of marriage and sexual exclusivity or
you do – the marriage is over, no if’s buts or maybes – it’s finished. This is
the ‘till death do we part’ placement in the marriage vows; you took this very
seriously and fully expect your spouse to have meant it too. If the marriage
does fail it will take time to recover and trust again before trying to form
another partnership. This is the placement of the banker or person who
balances, mediates (the middle man) or negotiates for and on behalf of other
people s money. Other people give you money, you are kept by the money of
others, benefactors, inheritances or through your relationships with others and
ability to form beneficial financial relationships and business contacts. You
have a keen adept ability to be charming with how you deal with other people
and would be excellent in any role that receives and services others needs in
any profession or industry. This is the position of the charming engaging
person who can foster relations between others with grace and diplomacy. You
have the ability to find the common ground with others and to exploit or grow
that into market, business or financial opportunities, corporate alliances,
trading partners and affiliates.
Venus in The Ninth House
You have a love of learning, travelling and relating to
others who love the subjects you do. You love to travel anywhere you have never
been with your partner or close companion. You make friends from diverse
cultural and socio economic backgrounds and pride yourself on your multi-cultural
experiences, travel and knowledge. An ability to find something in common with
most people you meet from wide and broad backgrounds. You are attracted to
marriage partners from a different country or cultural background than your
own. You form relationships with others based on common interests that broaden
your understanding of human relationships and all the ways people have them. You
enjoy meeting up with others and gain pleasure from interacting and socialising
with others in educational settings, in courses or at conferences or training
for professional development. You love learning and enjoy doing anything that
expands and develops your knowledge base and you make friends with people who
are also like this. You have a love of reading and collecting books as you see
books as your friends and will have trouble parting with some of them. You enjoy
reading about relationships, romance and stories about couples and their
relationships. You love to be where the trend is happening, having fun and
doing exciting or adventurous activities with others. You keep up on the news
an enjoy periodicals and professional journals or magazine relating to your
interests. You pride yourself on having influential friends or well-known
people in your contacts list. You have
creative writing abilities and the ability to analyse and seek to understand
human relationships.
Venus in The Tenth House
You strive for status and cultivate a reputation of being a
nice, agreeable easy to get along with person. You build your career by forming
relationships and alliances with others in your public life. You love going out
and socialising in friendly stylish and popular venues, parties, social settings
or places with beautiful vistas. You prefer meeting up with friends outside of
the home, you make friends at work or associated with your career. You always
present yourself immaculately with an outfit for every occasion and you would
not be displeased by a designer uniform or partner who wears a stylish uniform.
You enjoy formal occasions and events that celebrate relationships and the
milestones of your personal and public associations and family members. You have
public appeal to others and have a reputation of being adept in brokering peace
deals, negotiating resolutions between parties or stakeholders and generally
being the go to person who fixes the relationships or knows the person who can aid
in the resolution. You build the necessary
bridges or form the relationships needed to bring in the money in your work. Your
career will involve money, the handling of money, forming monetary associations,
networking money alliances or being responsible for money management. What you love and see as your life direction
and purpose may not be your work and you do it because you love it and care not
about how much money it costs or you do or don’t make from it. You do it
because you get pleasure from it and no other reason is needed. You will seek a
partner who also enjoys public life so you have someone to share with and have
a partner for social occasions. Your spouse is as much part of your public profile
as you are. You are known for being an attractive good looking person.
Venus in The Eleventh House
You love your friends and your lover is your best friend
first and your spouse second. You love to go out and do things with a companion
or friend rather than going alone. You get a great deal of pleasure and
satisfaction from being part of a group, a team or a peer group. Your hopes and
dreams are all attached to love and sharing with your love partner, spouse or
close companion. You join groups or
teams in order to make friends and form alliances that are pleasant and help
the world be a better place somehow. You believe and uphold all the principles
of the brotherhood and sisterhood of humans and will gain pleasure and feel
happy associating with others who uphold these types of values. You relate to
others with acceptance and a belief in their right to express their beliefs and
their right to love whoever they want or fall in love with. You have the need
to be in a partnership that is accepting of your wide social network and
enjoyment of independent activities outside of the relationship. You enjoy a variety of friends from all walks
of life and tend to attract some of the more independent or eccentric characters.
You seek a partner who allows you the freedom and autonomy to express your
creativity and need for friends that are independent of common friends. The
enjoyment of hosting social events and gatherings of people, making
introductions and connecting people in the group so as to foster relationships
and usher a pleasant experience for everyone in attendance. You make money
through or with friends, with groups, in groups or servicing the needs and
wants of groups, teams or anything that supports, hosts or convenes gatherings
of people in social settings or helping to facilitate their hopes, wishes and
or dreams.
Venus in The Twelfth House
You have a love of solitude and prefer to be out of the view
of others. You prefer to keep your love relationship hidden from the view of
others and are very private about it. It’s a need to know basis only and you do
not feel comfortable talking about it or having to disclose it to others. You
get pleasure from locking yourself away with your partner in remote and or idyllic
environments, hotels or bed and breakfasts for uninterrupted love making and
the total indulgence in bliss and pleasure. You are a romantic at heart and you
seek a lover who you can feel so completely part of you that you lose yourself
entirely in the union of souls. You feel a strong connection with spirit, with
God or with a higher power outside of yourself. Your dreams reflect the issues
you are feeling in your relationships with others and friends may feature in
your dreams in roles that portray what you get from the friendship with them. You
have a keen sensory ability to feel what is going on with others and you will
need to develop boundaries with others so as to not have your amiable pleasant
self, being walked all over and taken advantage of. You are vulnerable to falling victim to others
in matters of love unless you form boundaries and protect yourself. You can be
attracted to victims and substance abusers and or become one, if you relate to
one, so as to be on the same level to feel loved and less alone. You have the ability to merge with others and
to sense vibes in the collective, learning how to separate yourself with
boundaries rather than isolation is the key to finding love, happiness and
pleasure in a committed relationship. You enjoy spending time indulging your
creative energy on projects in isolation which renews your energy and aids in
debriefing yourself from relationship issues of others.
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The Quincunx and The Semi Sextile
Quincunx and Semi Sextile The Semi Sextile and The Quincunx are considered Minor Aspects yet I put them into a class of their own. ...

The Moon on The IC The IC is The Nadir of The Chart; it is The Midnight position in The Natal Chart. It is not seen, it is hidden...
The Grand Aspect Pattern – The T-Square The T Square is made up of three or more planets that are in aspect to each other. Two plan...
The Moon on The MC The MC is an important point in The Natal Chart. It represents The Meridian and forms part of The Cross of Mat...