Wednesday 15 November 2017

The Sun & Moon in Aspect: Conjunction, Opposition, Square, Trine & Sextile.

The Lunar Pairs

The Moon laps the ecliptic in 28-29 days and makes an aspect to every planet during the Lunar month.  The Moon is the fastest moving planet.

Sun conjunct Moon

The Conjunction merges and synthesises the two energies. The Sun Moon Conjunction is a New Moon in The Moons cycle. As The Sun represents the view of father and The Moon represents the view of mother – the parental pair is viewed as a united front or one parent is seen to be in both roles. The Sun and Moon are in the same sign which is described as being ‘a double’. As The Sun is our identity and The Moon is our behaviours the conjunction aligns these to be expressed in a focused and consistent manner.  There is no conflict between how they feel and how they assert their will. The Sun is Yang and The Moon is Yin, The Sun is Anima and The Moon is Animus, The Sun is Masculine and The Moon is Feminine, The Sun is positive and The Moon is negative, The Sun is light and The Moon is dark – these are all in union, bound together, a binding of two into one, a merging, the synthesis is the conjunction.  It is so natural to the Sun Moon conjunction they are often surprised to find out that others struggle with how they feel and how they assert their will.

Sun square Moon

The Sun and Moon are connected by Mode when they are 90 degrees apart which is The Square. The square is the energy of stress and tension that forces action to be taken – it’s that nagging voice inside your head that arouses your attention, alerts to you to notice, and creates the need to think or feel things through in order to take action or adjust to circumstances that appear out of your control.  The will in the person is constantly at odds with the feelings; there is a struggle as to which compromise is the best option. Do you feel first then take action and assert your will or do you assert your will and deal with the emotions later – the square will put the person in both situations in no particular order. The ability to adjust to situations becomes a talent and the overcoming of obstacles toward achieving a balance between ones emotions and actions shapes a trade-off that can be lived with. The parental pair is seen as complimentary but fraught with some difficulties due to the apparent stress between them.  The parental pair is seen to work together using different methods to arrive at the same result which causes the friction and concurrent heat that keeps them together.

Sun opposite Moon

The Sun and Moon are connected by Polarity when they are 180 degrees apart which is The Opposition. The Opposition is the energy of conflict that forces actions to be taken – it’s that part of you that notices and attracts the views, opinions, actions and behaviours of others. The ability to walk in another’s shoes comes by way of the opposition, to place yourself in their position, to see and acknowledge that which is contrary and opposite to our own personal view is indeed the very nature of the opposition. This is the case because the opposition will always connect the lower hemisphere (self) of the chart to the upper hemisphere (others) of the chart.  The will of The Sun is in conflict with the feelings of The Moon. The need to compromise between the will and the emotions is constant. There will be times when one must be forsaken for the benefit of the other. There will be times when the feeling will rule and action will or will not be taken; there will be other times when the feelings are put aside in order to enact the will.  This gives the person an ability to know when to act on their feelings and when to hold them back, when to take action to assert their identity and when not to. It’s the process of weighing up the good, the bad and the ugly in order to take action or to assess the damage. The parental pair is seen as opposites that either strangely suit each other or were destined to a doomed failed marriage from the outset. One parent may be absent due to separation by divorce or the work commitments/ behaviours of one or other of the pair.

Sun Trine Moon

The Sun and Moon are connected by Element when they are 120 degrees apart. The Trine is free flow, no resistance; there is no friction between the emotions of the Moon and the identity of the Sun. The parental pair is seen to be in harmony, working in unison as a team and is seen to be a perfect match.  The Fire trine links the Sun and Moon with enthusiasm and a penchant for excitement and the alleviation of boredom. The Earth Trine is practical and full of common sense with a penchant for seeing and touching things. The Water Trine is sensitive and emotional with a penchant for finding an inner connection with others. The Trine is a soft aspect and presents little to no problems bar some laziness and an expectation that everything will work out fine with no effort at all. The two houses that are connected by the Trine will be areas that are linked in a harmonious and beneficial manner for the person.

Sun Sextile Moon

The Sun and Moon are connected by Feminine Signs (Earth and Water) or are connected by Masculine Signs (Fire and Air), when they are 60 degrees apart. The Sextile creates or receives opportunities that are beneficial in feelings and actions. It is not a strong aspect and is likely to be overshadowed by stronger aspects in the chart. 

1 comment:

The Quincunx and The Semi Sextile

Quincunx and Semi Sextile The Semi Sextile and The Quincunx are considered Minor Aspects yet I put them into a class of their own. ...