Tuesday 11 June 2019

The Quincunx and The Semi Sextile

Quincunx and Semi Sextile

The Semi Sextile and The Quincunx are considered Minor Aspects yet I put them into a class of their own. They are cousins and they are considered 12th Harmonic Aspects: the 30° “easy” Aspect set family. This set also includes the Sextile: 2 x 30° = 60 and the Trine: 4 x 30° = 120°. 

The Semi Sextile is 1 x 30° and the Quincunx is 5 x 30° = 150°. 
30° + 150° = 180°: What I find interesting about this is that whilst in the opposition one can see it, it’s in clear view and its conflict is clearly apparent to the person. The Quincunx is kicked off to the side of where an opposition would be if a planet were tenanting that degree. Making a Quincunx the view to the side of what appears clear and straight on in the Opposition. Much like the negative space in design and images. The Quincunx hawks either side of the opposition in it’s negative space just waiting to begin the disconnect in preparation for the Transiting opposition which will be next and then to add insult to injury it has another go on the other side of the opposition, just to make sure that we understand the disconnects we had to make to balance the call of the transiting Opposition. 

Where the Sextile and the Trine share Element or Masculine Feminine, the Semi-Sextile and Quincunx share nothing by Mode, Element, Masculine or Feminine. Which sets them apart into a new category that needs a new name. 

I have called the Semi-Sextile evil and the Quincunx is the most baffling Aspect that Astrologers struggle to delineate. 

I have come to see the Quincunx as the ability to see the parallels in what others see as divergent and sharing nothing. It certainly causes Separations when it operates by transit - I’ve started to see it just like the worst versions of Saturn transits as to the isolation yet it mimics Uranus transits in how suddenly it can turn events or in the Natal it operates to provide those moments of illumination as the parallels merge and the solution becomes seen. It operates like Neptune in its mysterious nature and like Pluto in what lies under the surface and can bring massive changes as one is just cut off without warning or explanation, leaving one in a daze trying to work out what “the” ... just happened. Not a Minor Aspect by any means in my view. 

The Semi Sextile and The Quincunx are something to keep a keen eye on especially by Transit and Progression.

The Quincunx and The Semi Sextile

Quincunx and Semi Sextile The Semi Sextile and The Quincunx are considered Minor Aspects yet I put them into a class of their own. ...